Saturday, December 28, 2019

Intellectual Property Rights ( Ipr ) - 1413 Words

As the era of technology and new innovations allows people to share ideas at a moments notice the need for laws to protect people’s ideas and inventions need to keep up. These laws are called intellectual property rights (IPR) and can include patents, copyrights, trademarks, process design and in some case trade secrets which differ from other types of IPR. This means that a company could create a monopoly on an idea that would give them a right to punish people by law if they copied that idea. For most of these forms of IP such as a patent and trademark require the idea holder to submit their process for creating the idea and documentation proving ones claim, however for copyright according to federal law any original work that is publically produced protects the rights of the creator. This is good for most people because it ensures their work can not be copied but some people who share information with the public actually want it to be free for all to know and use it without someone being able to profit off of it. There have been arguments about the impact of having IPR has had on business and whether or not having these laws leads to innovation or stifles it. This argument states that if IPR are strongly enforced and easily patented then people will feel their inventions will be protected and they will profit fairly off of them. Others argue against this idea that even if there were no IPR people would still invent new music and medications for the good of invention notShow MoreRelatedIntellectual Property Rights ( Ipr )1672 Words   |  7 PagesINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR) Intellectual Property Rights, which also known as IPR is simply the thoughts, inventions and innovative statements focused on which there is a public willingness to present the condition of the property. IPR provides certain exclusive rights to the innovator of the property, in order to empower them to reap business advantages from their creative efforts or notoriety. The types of Intellectual Property Right include †¢ Copyright †¢ Patent †¢ Trademarks †¢ DesignRead MoreLegal Protection And Intellectual Property Rights1175 Words   |  5 PagesIntellectual property is defined in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as the creation of the mind. According to WIPO the work does not have to be literary in order to be protected. Names, images, symbols, designs..etc. are all protected. Intellectual property rights are mentioned in article 27 of the universal human rights act that gives the inventors and creators to benefit from their work. Those rights are obtained through registering patents, trademarks, and copyrights. ThereRead MoreThe Patent Law Of Taiwan1269 Words   |  6 PagesAgreement (The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights), as Annex 1C of the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (hereinafter the WTO) which came into effect in January, 1995. As a trade-off between promoting knowledge diffusion and exclusivity to use the knowledge, the patent system is part of the minimum standard established in the course of the globalization of intellectual property right (IPR). 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Current state of the world’s counterfeit goods market â€Å"Carratu InternationalRead MoreImpact Of Intellectual Property Theft And Copyright Infringement1389 Words   |  6 PagesThis report will examine the impact of intellectual property theft and copyright infringement upon the company Music and Film Innovators. I will obtain statistical data that shows what, how, and who is responsible for these thefts. I will also provide viable solutions and recommendations to Music and Film Innovators (MFI) in order to reduce the company’s exposure and subsequent losses. I will provide various ways that Music and Film Innovators creations and personnel data can be protected soRead MoreShould The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended On Intellectual Property Essay945 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), â€Å"While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet† (Intellectual Property Quotes, n.d.). 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To incentive their formation, the United States and China should create a bilateral agreement with benefits for joint ventures. About 86-90% of all IP protected goods sold in China have been illegally copied. As a result, U.S. industries lose billions of d ollars and thousands of jobs per year. Local Chinese businesses have a vested

Friday, December 20, 2019

Immigration Reform And Control Act Of 1986 Essay - 1452 Words

May Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986; 100Stat. 3359 Biblical guidelines. All persons are welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven. Immigration reform and control is found throughout the scriptures. 1 Samuel 17:25, Saul decreed that â€Å"whoever slew the Philistine May receive fame, wealth, naturalization, and his daughter’s hand in marriage.† David eventually took the challenge, slew the giant and went to the King to gains his fame, wealth, and naturalization. 1 Samuel 18:1, says, â€Å"after David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.† King Saul introduces David to his Son, and immediately Jonathon protected David. In similarity, â€Å"God is the source of all truth, power, and authority† (Fisher, 2013, p.1). Government must evaluate public policy on existing government programs to ensure that inalienable rights are not violated (Kraft Furlong, 2015). Constitutional guidelines. The Constitution lists two specific references to immigration and na turalization that the Government May intervein. The government Can protect us from ourselves, and themselves. First, Article I, Section 8 references that creating the authority of Congress, by establishing a uniform Rule of Naturalization or immigration. Secondly, the 14th Amendment states that, all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens in the State they reside. In the long run, the intent of the founding fathers was whether born a citizen or naturalizedShow MoreRelatedChapter I: Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), the Inadmissibility2326 Words   |  10 Pages Six years after the promulgation of the Refugee Act of 1980 the U.S. Congress enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), on November of 1986, with the objective to control and deter the illegal immigration into the United States. The major provisions demanded; a) the legalization of foreign nationals who had been continuously unlawfully present in our country since 1982. b) Demanded the creation of mechanism to secure and enforce the United States borders. c) The legal adjustmentRead MoreNeighbor Relations:. An Immigration Problem Between The1215 Words   |  5 Pages Neighbor Relations: An Immigration Problem between the United States and Mexico Alberto Beltran Sociology 121 November 20, 2013 Outline I. Introduction II. Mass Immigration from Mexico: 1910 to1930 III. Bracero Program IIII. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 V. Impact of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 VI. Illegal Immigration problem VII. Conclusion I. Introduction The United States has always been considered aRead MoreImmigration Reform Of The United States1397 Words   |  6 PagesIn 1986, the United States enacted The Immigration Reform and Control Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants. This is by far the biggest reform made in recent history. Immigration reform is simply making changes to a country’s immigration policies for the better. It has been a huge and controversial topic since 1986 and even more so when President Obama proposed a reform himself in 2009. According to Obama, this reform would improve border enforcement, be stricter on visa overstaysRead MoreChamber of Commerce of the United States vs. Whiting: Case Study1049 Words   |  4 Pagesof Commerce of the United States v. Whiting On November 6, 1986 the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was signed into law with its purpose being to reform/re-assess the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act. (1986 Immigration) But this legislation would have unexpected consequences when, almost three decades later, the State of Arizona passed the Legal Arizona Workers Act providing for the suspension and/or loss of business licensesRead MorePatel V. Quality Inn South1328 Words   |  6 PagesAnalyzing Patel v. Quality Inn South It has been argued since the start of immigration whether or not aliens (undocumented or documented) should have the same equal rights as Americans when it comes to employment, education, and benefits in the United States. Despite what individuals believe or disbelieve, under certain acts, codes, laws, and the U.S. Constitution, all aliens have rights, regardless of their immigration status. In this paper I will discuss an overview of the court case, Patel v,Read MoreThe Immigration Law Of 140 Years925 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Gay† marriage and more, yet immigration still remains untouched. Now that is clearly an exaggerated statement, but The fact that the immigration law of 140 years ago is still not seen as a type of repression and the American current civilization is still in denial of it, is what makes it ever so severe. From the first immigration policy: the Page Act of 1875, to the Immigration reform and Control Act of 1986 the immigration policies have remained the same. Both acts, among others are not writtenRead MoreEssay about Illegal Immigrants: Amnesty1007 Words   |  5 Pagesaccepting immigration in the world. It has contributed to the countrys population growth as well as social change. However, the policy remains to be a controversy because of the topic that is illegal immigration. According to the Department of Homeland security in 2010, there are 10.8 million illegal immigrants residing among the 300+ million Americans. Since then, the number has grown to 11+ million people. The U.S. Congress has always sought to find the solution for illegal immigration, with amnestyRead MoreAn Urgently Needed Immi gration Reform Essay1187 Words   |  5 PagesArguably, the policy that has been put in place is not effective in realizing the intended function. Therefore, there is a need for a change in the policies that affect the immigration of citizen into the U.S. As such, this paper seeks to present the proffered policies that would help a great deal in modelling of immigration reforms in the U.S with retrospect to various aspects affecting it. Illegal immigrants have been a major problem in the cotemporary U.S. Society. As such, their effects are feltRead MoreImmigration Reform Is Needed For Our Country880 Words   |  4 PagesImmigration reform is desperately needed for our country; otherwise unauthorized immigration will continue to be on the forefront of our country’s problems. Obtaining a visa for any reason has become an extremely difficult process, and many immigrants do not even qualify to apply. There are approximately 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Prior to 1882, when the Chinese Exclusionary Act was passed, the United States had open borders. Immigration was further restricted withRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1388 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has plagued the United States since immigration laws were created, and has worsened in recent history. Since Ronald Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provided amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens in exchange for increased border security, millions of people have entered the country illegally. Over the past 30 years, the illegal immigrant population of the country has more than doubled from 5 million in 1986 to over 11.5 million in 2015. It has become one of the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cardiovascular for Fever and Chest Pain-

Question: Discuss about theCardiovascular for Fever and Chest Pain. Answer: Questions For how long have you been experiencing palpations, fever and chest pain? Does any member of your family suffer from chest problems? Did you take any medication at the onset of these symptoms? Diagnosis Recommend a chest X-ray- to find out the underlying cause of chest pain, whether there could be infections in the upper and lower respiratory system (Shakeel, 2015). Hospital admission- this will enable the patient to be evaluated for the possible causes of the presenting symptoms, and if possible be put on antibiotics coverage. CXR can also be requested specially to determine whether the patients are suffering from community acquired pneumonia. This CXR needs to be repeated for between 24 to 48 hours upon hospital admission. Sputum test is also recommended to find out whether the patient has bacterial infection or not; a case in which if the bacterial test is negative then there are enough reasons to suspect viral infections. Diagnostic studies Nasopharyngeal tests Diagnostic imaging of the chest Physical exam and results The culture of the nasal, throat and mouth washes and swabs are important to ascertain the actual cause of the infections presenting with these symptoms. Enzyme immune assays- these include antibody and antigen titers to determine the viral loads in the chest in the body system. Three differentials The presenting chest pain, fever and malaise could be due to myocardial infarction, pulmonary infections and gastrointestinal problems. Life threatening diagnosis In the event that this could be a pulmonary viral infection, say pneumonia, then this is a dangerous condition because there is no cure for viral infections (Ann, 2017). Treatment If Robert is suffering from viral infection, the doctor will prescribe antivirals like oseltamivir and peramivir which prevent viral spread in the body. The patient and his family will also be educated on how to prevent transmission to other family members by observing top level hygiene and avoiding close contact during medication. References Ann, M., (2017). Upper respiratory tract infection work up. Medscape. Retrieved from Shakeel, A., (2015). Viral pneumonia imaging. Medscape. Retrieved from

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Utilitarianisms Sacrificial Lamb free essay sample

Talents are put to waste that if fostered would have blossomed into exceptional skills. The greatest example of this present within Hard Times is Louisa Gradgrind. Louisa is brought up in a house headed by a Utilitarian school teacher, her father Thomas Gradgrind Sr. , and with a quite and docile mother, Mrs. Gradgrind, who is unable to convey her own emotions, let alone foster any in her children. Due to her father ’s suppression of her emotions and Utilitarian society, Louisa-who held so much potential- is quelled and left as an empty and hollow device. When Louisa is introduced in Chapter three, she is described as a â€Å"fire with nothing to burn, a starved imagination keeping life in itself somehow. † (12). This description Louisa depicts her as a cold vacant nothingness, void of all emotion. Louisa’s father, Thomas Gradgrind was not a strong paternal figure being distant and not allowing Louisa any thing from life but facts. However, Louisa has somehow kept her inner thirst for knowledge and fancy alive, still able to recognize that she has been wronged by her father and the Utilitarian system. On a less metaphorical level, fire is also what keeps the factories running, and produces all of Bounderby’s money. In Hard Times, fire represents both the good that Louisa has within her, and the evil that is Bounderby and the Utilitarian system’s prosper. The manner in which Gradgrind runs his schoolhouse demonstrates the type of environment in which Louisa grew up. David Lodge categorizes the way in which Gradgrind teaches into three categories, â€Å"(1) It is authoritarian, fanatical and bullying in its application, (2) It is rigid, abstract and barren in quality, (3) It is materialistic and commercial in its orientation. (Lodge) When Gradgrind notices Sissy, a new pupil, he automatically tries to remove her individuality and puts his method of teaching into effect. He demands that she never refer to herself as Sissy, but rather Cecelia and promptly begins referring to her as â€Å"girl number twenty. † Gradgrind is attempting to remove Sissy’s indiv iduality by making her name conform to that of a normal victorian society, and furthers this process of removing her individuality by referring to her in class as girl number twenty, demonstrating the bullying and authoritarian nature of his teaching. Gradgrind is turning Sissy, the name that embodies the life of fancy of the circus within which Sissy grew up, into girl number twenty. The name â€Å"girl number twenty† an attempt to turn Sissy into a faceless, nameless, and emotionless utilitarian pawn, just another one of the masses, just a number in line to the emotional slaughter house. But Sissy has grown up in a society unlike that of the other children and Louisa and she is able throughout the novel to keep her emotions and individuality in tack. Gradgrind, with another attempt to batter Sissy’s being, asks her to define a horse. Growing up on the circus with horses, Sissy is unable to define that animal that has played such a role in her life. Asking Sissy to define a horse is comparable to one being asked to define air. Sissy, unlike the other children, has stood face to face with a horse, stroked it, and watch her father or even herself ridden upon a horse in the circus ring. Asking Sissy for a simple definition is impossible and she is baffled. Gradgrind calls on another student, Bitzer, to finish the task for her, he answers: â€Å"Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely, twenty-four grinders, four eye-teeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds coat in the spring: in marshy countries sheds hoofs, too. Hoofs hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age known by marks in mouth. † Within the first five pages Dickens is able to demonstrate an extreme, emotionless, and perfect utilitarian individual in Bitzer. Bitzer is the embodiment of utilitarianism. He relies only upon facts to run his life, casting out anything that is not self bettering, this including all â€Å"useless† emotions. Bitzer is an extremists view of utilitarianism however, this being the way Dickens wished to portray Utilitarianism. In regards to a family, Bitzer scorns the subject, it having no self fulfilling purpose in is utilitarian society. Having a family requires some small amount of emotions that Bitzer is not capable of comprehending, and also requiring money, taking away from himself. When asked about families, Bitzer states he does not care at all that he is alone, â€Å"I have only one mouth to feed, and that’s the person I most like to feed. † (90). Bitzer as described by Edgar H. Johnson, is the â€Å"ultimate product of the system,† being boring, soulless, and basing every aspect of his life upon â€Å"bargain and sale, controlled by self-interest. Bitzer demonstrates what Gradgrind would want all of his school children to become including Sissy, rather than what his daughter Louisa had become. Louisa, unlike Bitzer is unable to void herself entirely of fancy, but has not been taught how to control and use her emotions that have remained through her utilitarian up bringing. S issy, being Louisa’s foil, embodies what was seen as the perfect woman of the era. Sissy is warm, loving, nurturing and gentle. Louisa is unfeeling, depressing, and dark. By creating such characters Dickens is not attempting to emphasize Louisa’s foul nature, but trying to draw precedence to the fact that Louisa’s upbringing, void of human connection, has molded her to this person. Louisa has been given nothing in life but facts. When Louisa is told about Bounderby’s marriage proposal, she cannot express how she feels, so she states, â€Å"There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. Yet when the night comes, Fire bursts out. † (96). Louisa cannot simply express to her father that she detests bounderby because she is what would best be described as the â€Å"languid and monotonous smoke. This fact however, is an expression of her true emotions. Louisa is expressing how she is this dreary, disgusting, poisoned smoke, but when the â€Å"fire bursts out† at night, there is something more to this smoke than would appear before. This fire to these smokestacks represents the passion and the creativity that is present within Louisa, that if nurtured could become the change from the utilitarian shell that she has been forced to embody. Due to her inability to understand her own emotions, and without any paternal or maternal figure in her life, Louisa channels all of her love to her brother Tom. Louisa is unable to â€Å"distinguish sensual passion from fraternal affection,† (Fabrizio) and there for is forced into what Richard Fabrizio describes in his essay -Wonderful No-Meaning: Language and the Psychopathology of the Family in Hard Times- as â€Å"unmanageable† thoughts that both children foster, as these are the only feelings they are able to have. Their relationship is â€Å"abnormal† in terms of a normal sibling love and is turned into one that is much more romantic than that common to siblings. Tom is effected by Utilitarian society for the worse, however and is completely engrossed with his own self fulfillments. Tom appreciates Louisa’s affections, but is not able to return them entirely as he is much more passionate towards money and gambling. Tom apprentices at Josiah Bounderby’s bank, and when Bounderby proposes the idea of marriage to Mr. Gradgrind, although Mr. Gradgrind pressures Louisa into this marriage, it is in fact Tom who sways his sister most greatly into this horrific marriage. Fabrizio describes this perverse and twisted relationship between the two siblings as this: â€Å" Tom actively uses Louisa while passively accepting her love, while she passively accepts his usage while actively loving him. (Fabrizio). Tom abuses Louisa, the only person to ever attempt to give him love, and â€Å"knowingly trades Louisa to secure his pleasure,† (Fabrizio) that he has found in money. By accepting this marriage, and the betrayal from Tom, Louisa has committed a figurative and emotional suicide. She has given up and is turned into a hollow and broken individual. When Louisa returns home and attempts to express her emotions to her father, Mr. Gradgrind, they come out in somewhat of a jumbled mess, but she is still able to get her point across, screaming at her father, And I so young. In this condition, father for I show you now, without fear or favour, the ordinary deadened state of my mind as I know it you proposed my husband to me. I took him. I never made a pretence to him or you that I loved him. I knew, and, father, you knew, and he knew, that I never did. I was not wholly indifferent, for I had a hope of being pleasant and useful to Tom. I made that wild escape into something visionary, and have slowly found out how wild it was. But Tom had been the subject of all the little tenderness of my life; perhaps he became so because I knew so well how to pity him † (209). Even though Louisa is unable to fully understand her emotions, she is more capable of feeling than her father had previously thought. Louisa agreed to marry Mr. Bounderby because her father convinces her that it is a rational decision, and so broken by facts she does not appear to care at first. Mr. Gradgrind, to convince Louisa even uses statistics to entice her, stating that the difference of their ages does not inevitably effect their happiness. Louisa is miserable as Bounderby’s wife, and this inclusion of statistics might have been included as part of his â€Å"war on statistics,† showing that statistical data does not always apply well to real life situations. Louisa is distraught in this quote and is expressing whatever tangled emotions she is able to express to Her father. Louisa is married to Josiah Bounderby, who although he proposed the marriage, is not able to give Louisa any sort of love. Bounderby is so consumed by his money, his factories, and by his own arrogance that he cannot engage in any true relationship with Louisa. She is left broken emotionally by this forced marriage that is built upon nothing but her brothers greed and her fathers blindness due to his utilitarian facts and rationality. Louisa’s life is composed of suppression by her father, betrayal by her brother, and a loveless marriage from Bounderby. It is not until James Harthouse, a London gentleman studying politics under Mr. Gradgrind, comes into the picture that Louisa first meets a man that has anything beneficial to offer her. Although she is married to Bounderby, Harthouse is entered by Louisa and sets off to seduce her. But Harthouse is more than just a romantic lover to Louisa, â€Å" chance then threw into my way a new acquaintance; a man such as I had had no experience of; used to the world; light, polished, easy; making no pretences conveying to me that he understood me, and read my thoughts (209). Harthouse offers a splash of color into the dark, black, and oppressive atmosphere of Coketown that had been prior to his arrival, all that Louisa had known. With only simple conversation, Louisa feels as though Harthouse can â€Å"read† her thoughts, the only way that she is able to describe the instant connection that she was able to make with Harthouse. Louisa also explains to her father that Harthouse made â€Å"no pretences,† meaning that he did not pretend to be caring and actually be coldhearted, as everyone else in her life had prior. Louisa also say that Harthouse understood her, which appears actually to be little more than Harthouse simply letting her say what she felt, and in truth listened to her, never telling her that the expression of her emotions was ludicrous or senseless in the manner that her father had. Louisa’s cold nothingness, along with her brother Tom’s cruel and guiltless betrayal to her can be associated if not completely linked to the children’s upbringing. Thomas Gradgrind Sr. ran his home in the exact same mechanical and emotionless way that he ran his school house. Mr. Gradgrind never allowed his children to feel a human connection, and never encouraged any learning besides the drilling of facts. Dickens demonstrates to the reader the way in which the children were raised by showing one the fact the children’s lives were based upon: â€Å"No little Gradgrind had ever had ever associated a cow in a field with that famous cow with the crumpled horn who tossed the dog who worried the cat who killed the rat who ate the malt, or with that yet more famous cow who swallowed Tom Thumb: it ad only been introduced to a cow as a graminivorous ruminating quadruped with several stomachs. † (9). Louisa was never allowed to foster her most basic needs for creativity. Her natural yearnings for a human connection, for love, or for any expression of emotion being instantly quelled by the oppressive Mr. Gradgrind turning her into this ver y confused and empty â€Å"individual. † Louisa was never encouraged to view a cow as an animal with feelings, or a cow personified in a classic fairy tale. The little Gradgrind’s had never had toys, had never been read or given books containing any sort of fancy, and had never been allowed to think. Louisa’s inability to interpret emotions or to have even a single free thought in her head are due to her poor upbringing. Her weak mother, Mrs. Gradgrind, unhappy in her own marriage and a sickly person, was never able to foster any humanity within her children. Dicken’s also used Mrs. Gradgrind to portray the perfect victorian woman. Mrs. Gradgrind had little to say within the text, being seen but not heard, an â€Å"angel in the house. † This angel would be out of place if she had attempted to step into her childrens lives and correct a mistake her fact driving husband had made. Louisa’s distant father and weak mother are what turn her from person to a hollow shell. Utilitarianism, and her fathers devotion to this philosophy wrecked havoc on Louisa’s life and emotions. His obsession with facts left room for nothing else to enter into Louisa and Tom’s lives. When Louisa returns home after being brutalized emotionally by her loveless marriage to Bounderby, and after having her eyes opened by Harthouse, she is able to make a realization about her father, stating in a factual manner, â€Å" What you have never nurtured in me, you have never nurtured in yourself † (208). It is not only that Mr. Gradgrind did not support Louisa’s use of her mind or her embracing of her emotions, but rather that Mr. Gradgrind had never been taught to express his emotions himself. When pelted by Louisa with painful criticism of his fathering, Mr. Gradgrind is left speechless. He is unable to swallow the vast amount of emotion that Louisa is thrusting upon him and is left to sort through all the guilt that he was the one to destroy his daughter. Gradgrind is unable to do so however, never having experienced nor needing to access such emotions while engrossed with his strict Utilitarian facts. Louisa is furious, and within this scene, Dickens truly allows Louisa to let go off all the pent up and suppressed emotions that had been forced to remain stagnant within her person for so many years. This release of Louisa’s inner fire to an external one shows an abandonment of Utilitarian society within Louisa, as she is finally able to express herself, declaring, â€Å"How could you give me life, and take from me all the inappreciable things that raise it from a conscious death? What are the graces of my soul? Where are the sentiments of my heart? What have you done, oh, Father, what have you done, with the garden that should have bloomed once, in this great wilderness here? † (208). Louisa’s inner flame bursts from within her, expressing all the hateful feelings she held towards her father for transforming her into such a hollow shell. Without any limitations, Louisa finally is able to reciprocate the misery that her father had thrust upon her. Dickens uses this scene to compare the two Louisa’s, the Louisa that held reservations against her emotions, and the Louisa that is finally able to let go. Prior to this rebirth, when confronted by her Father with Bounderby’s marriage proposal, Louisa is not able to convey her revulsion on the matter and is not able to express her emotions. Louisa is simply able to state a fact, having been so drilled upon her, stating of Coketown,â€Å"There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. Yet when the night comes, Fire bursts out. † (96). This fire that Louisa speaks of in her factual description of Coketown is an attempt of Louisa’s to describe how she wishes her to describe herself. Louisa wants to be the same change in her own life that the fire has on Coketown, she wishes to set free her emotions. Louisa is finally able to eturn to her father ’s house and state in an outward eruption of feelings how he had ruined her, how he had ruined all the potential which she had held. The majority of Louisa’s life was spent in this state of â€Å"conscious death† and her father removed all traces of any humanity. Louisa is finally able to renew herself as a person, disowning her father and Utilitarianism completely. However, Louisa’s talents, potential, and most importantly her happiness all had to be victimized by Utilitarianism before Mr. Gradgrind was able to realize the mistake in his ways. Louisa’s life is dominated by her father ’s suppression of her emotions and Utilitarian society, all the potential for greatness that she had once had quelled by facts. Louisa is left as an empty and hollow device, but the sacrifice of herself is able to bring realization to her father about his ways. This realization however -that Utilitarianism and a life based solely upon facts cannot bring happiness- is not enough to make up for the guilt that Mr. Gradgrind is left to deal with for the rest of his dreary life. After the breakthrough of her emotions, Louisa collapses at her fathers feet, laying upon the floor: â€Å" e laid her down there, and saw the pride of his heart and the triumph of his system lying, an insensible heap, at his feet. † (211). Dickens finally allows one to see the emergence of cracks of doubt appearing within the strict character of Mr. Gradgrind. Through his daughters heart ache and confusion, Gradgrind is able to make the realization tha t the system of Utilitarianism has failed him, and seeing his daughter heaped upon the floor, he is able to feel the emotions of failure as a father and regret for not nurturing within his daughter the emotions that had never been given to him.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

6 Powerful Reasons to Quit Your Job

6 Powerful Reasons to Quit Your Job In any job, there will be things you need to put up with. Personality differences, questionable lunch choices in an open-plan cubicle environment, the coworker who clips his nails at his desk- all are things that likely need to be endured (or at least ignored) in the interest of workplace harmony. However, there are definitely some serious workplace issues where you shouldn’t adopt the â€Å"suck it up† policy. Here are 6 powerful reasons you should quit your job.1. Being asked to do something morally or ethically wrongWe all have core personal morals and values, no matter what job we’re doing. If your job asks you to do something you know is wrong, or that you believe to be wrong, this is not a job you should keep. The request may be something small, something you could push through and look the other way, but that small thing could grow into a larger ask or a series of requests that make you feel uncomfortable. Very few jobs are worth having panic attacks- even fewer are worth sacrificing your core values.2. Being asked to do anything illegalThis is even less of a gray area. It’s not just you thinking this is wrong, it’s the law. In real life, illegal activity isn’t always caught like it is in the Hollywood-ized version- but if your company (or your boss) is ever caught and scrutinized, do you really want to be the one holding the bag? â€Å"I was just doing my job† sounds awfully weak in court, so why put yourself in that position? If your job is asking you to do things that are illegal, that opens up a whole host of consequences that you need to consider carefully. Unless you’re ready to deal with those consequences, it’s time to hand in your notice.3. Harassment or bullyingBullying is something that happens only in kids’ lives, right? Surely professional adults would never stoop to that kind of behavior. Sadly, no. Verbal abuse is never okay, whether it’s from senior employees to junior ones, or colleagues who think it’s funny to belittle others. Basically, you should never be made to feel uncomfortable in a work situation- and if you are, it’s okay to speak up and say so. All of you are professionals, and deserving of respect- no matter if you’re the CEO or the assistant. You shouldn’t assume by default that you’re just being thin-skinned; Human Resource departments are trained in how to handle situations like this effectively and discreetly. If that doesn’t work and it becomes a pattern, it’s time to move on.4. Giving up a personal life.This is a pretty common refrain, ‘cause it’s true: no one gets to the end of a career and wishes that he or she’d worked more hours instead of spending time with friends and family. Many jobs, especially ones outside the 9-to-5 template or ones that work on deadlines, make it challenging to balance work and personal life.If you find that your personal life is being crowded out altogether due to your long hours or answering emails 24/7, it’s definitely time for a priority re-evaluation. If you don’t see the situation getting better, then don’t wait for the Ghost of Christmas Past to come along and remind you of everything you missed by staying at your job. Start looking for a new job (or even a different career path) that works with your personal goals as well as your professional ones.5. Jobs that hurt you physicallyMost jobs are up front about physical demands†¦must be able to lift 50 pounds or more, must be able to stand for hours at a time. If you find yourself performing physically demanding tasks that you didn’t know you were signing on to do, you don’t have to suck it up and pop painkillers to get through your day. Or even if you knew ahead of time, but you’re less able to cope with the heavy lifting and standing than you used to be, it’s time to think hard about what youâ⠂¬â„¢re doing. Your health is not worth losing for one job.6. Sexual harassmentThis can be one of the toughest dealbreakers to handle, because often it’s not the job itself that is the problem- it’s a person in your workplace. Again, you should never be made to feel uncomfortable at work. However, in reality, identifying it and doing something about it can turn into a complicated mess of â€Å"he said/she said,† and the person reporting it can be made to feel like they’d have negative career repercussions for doing so. If someone at your job (any gender, any seniority level) is making you feel uncomfortable by making inappropriate comments or advances, that’s just not acceptable. The stress of the situation may well undo any positive career progress you’d get by staying, so it’s important to take a serious look at other job options and opportunities. You should never, ever feel obligated to stay in a role where you’re treated s o unprofessionally. And more importantly, you should never feel like you need to hide it and keep going for the sake of the job.There are always other jobs out there. That can be tough to imagine in a tight job market, but a job that asks you to violate any number of personal boundaries is likely not a job that would make you proud and fulfilled later on in your career. Sometimes it’s best to walk away, with your best self intact, and search for the next opportunity.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Ostend Manifesto, 1854 Proposal for US to Acquire Cuba

The Ostend Manifesto, 1854 Proposal for US to Acquire Cuba The Ostend Manifesto was a document written by three American diplomats stationed in Europe in 1854 which advocated for the U.S. government to acquire the island of Cuba through either purchase or force. The plan created controversy when the document was made public in partisan newspapers the following year and federal officials denounced it. The goal of acquiring Cuba had been a pet project of President Franklin Pierce. The purchase or seizure of the island was also favored by pro-slavery politicians in the United States, who feared a slave rebellion in Cuba might spread to the American South. Key Takeaways: Ostend Manifesto Meeting requested by President Pierce led to proposal by three American ambassadors.Plan to acquire Cuba was rejected by Pierce as too audacious and unacceptable politically.When the proposal leaked to opposition newspapers the political battling over slavery intensified.One beneficiary of the proposal was James Buchanan, as his involvement helped him become president. The manifesto never led to the U.S. acquiring Cuba, of course. But it did serve to deepen the sense of distrust in America as the issue of slavery became a simmering crisis in the mid-1850s. In addition, the crafting of the document aided one of its authors, James Buchanan, whose rising popularity in the South helped him become president in the election of 1856. The Meeting at Ostend A crisis in Cuba developed in early 1854, when an American merchant ship, the Black Warrior, was seized in a Cuban port. The incident created tensions, as Americans considered the fairly minor incident to be an insult from Spain directed at the United States. The American ambassadors to three European countries were directed by President Franklin Pierce to meet quietly in the town of Ostend, Belgium, to come up with strategies to deal with Spain. James Buchanan, John Y. Mason, and Pierre Soule, the American ministers to Britain, France, and Spain, respectively, gathered and drafted the document that would become known as the Ostend Manifesto. The document, in fairly dry language, stated the issues the U.S. government had been having with Spain’s possession, Cuba. And it advocated that the United States should offer to purchase the island. It stated that Spain would likely be willing to sell Cuba, but if it didn’t, the document argued that the U.S. government should seize the island. The manifesto, addressed to Secretary of State William Marcy, was sent to Washington, where it was received by Marcy and passed along to President Pierce. Marcy and Pierce read the document and immediately rejected it. American Reaction to the Ostend Manifesto The diplomats had made a logical case for taking Cuba, and they argued throughout that the motivation was the preservation of the United States. In the document they specifically noted the fear of a slave rebellion in Cuba and how that might pose a danger. Less dramatically, they argued that Cuba’s geographic location made it a favorable position from which the United States could defend its southern coast, and specifically the valuable port of New Orleans. The authors of the Ostend Manifesto were not thoughtless or reckless. Their arguments for what would be a controversial series of actions paid some attention to international law and demonstrated some knowledge of naval strategy. Yet Pierce realized that what his diplomats proposed went far beyond any actions he was willing to take. He did not believe the American people, or the Congress, would go along with the plan. The manifesto might have been a quickly forgotten exercise in diplomatic brainstorming, but in the very partisan atmosphere of Washington in the 1850s it quickly turned into a political weapon. Within weeks of the document arriving in Washington, it had been leaked to newspapers favorable to the Whig Party, the opponents of Pierce. Politicians and newspaper editors directed withering criticism at Pierce. The work of three American diplomats in Europe turned into something of a firestorm as it touched upon the most contentious issue of the day, slavery. Anti-slavery sentiment in America was growing, especially with the formation of the new anti-slavery Republican Party. And the Ostend Manifesto was held up as an example of how the Democrats in power in Washington were devising underhanded ways to acquire territory in the Caribbean to extend America’s slave-holding territory. Newspaper editorials denounced the document. A political cartoon produced by the noted lithographers Currier and Ives would eventually ridicule Buchanan for his role in the drafting of the proposal. Cartoon of four ruffians robbing a respectable man with the Ostend Manifesto, to capture Cuba, written on a nearby wall and caption The Ostend Doctrine. Practical Democrats Carrying Out The Principle. circa 1854. Fotosearch / Getty Images Impact of the Ostend Manifesto The proposals set forth in the Ostend Manifesto never came to fruition, of course. If anything, the controversy over the document probably ensured that any discussion of the United States acquiring Cuba would be rejected. While the document was denounced in the northern press, one of the men who drafted it, James Buchanan, was ultimately helped by the controversy. The accusations that it was a pro-slavery scheme boosted his profile in the American South, and helped him secure the Democratic nomination for the election of 1856. He went on to win the election, and spent his one term as president trying, and failing, to grapple with the issue of slavery. Sources: Ostend Manifesto. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopediaâ„ ¢, Columbia University Press, 2018. Research in Context.McDermott, Theodore, et al. Ostend Manifesto. The Manifesto in Literature, edited by Thomas Riggs, vol. 1: Origins of the Form: Pre-1900, St. James Press, 2013, pp. 142-145. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Patrick, J., Pious, R., Ritchie, D. (1993). Pierce, Franklin. In  (Ed.), The Oxford Guide to the United States Government. : Oxford University Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting Research Paper - 1

Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting - Research Paper Example The year 2000 census established that whites form the majority of the population followed by the African Americans in Chesapeake, Virginia. It is an extremely economically vibrant city with a lot of business opportunities. The City’s economic status means that the per capita earnings of the population are fairly good and promotes the service and commodity industries because the population has more purchasing power (United States Bureau of the Statistics, 2001). With only a small percentage of the entire population living below the poverty line and the majority of those above this line being between the ages of 15 and 35 years, it makes the city an unusually favorable place for business opportunities. The population of Chesapeake as of the year 2010 was 222,209 people with the majority of this population earning between 60,000 -100,000 thousand US Dollars annually (United States Bureau of the Census, 2006). The age that is associated with pizza or is pizza tolerant also happens to be the majority age group of between 10 and 40 years. The cost of living is high, which means that the prices here are relatively higher as compared to other cities. This is brought about by the economic stability of this Region: The rental prices are relatively cheap and the city’s security is conducive for businesses and their clients. The use of demand and forecasting, in making business decisions, is a wise tool to choose because it relies on facts on the ground to make predictions about the suitability of an event in the future or the present (United States Bureau of Economics, 2006). Estimated regression is a mathematical principle used in this process, and it uses this formula;  = a + bx with y and x being the two variables under consideration. They determine the suitability of the future conditions or circumstances that will prevail in relation to the business. The variables x is used to predict the outcome, which is represented by y. The coefficient of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Meth Epidemic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Meth Epidemic - Essay Example There is a general deterioration of mind and body. Injuries and death can result from meth usage, as well as other dangers of explosions when preparing the drug. Apart from these physical changes, meth consumption will result in poor choices, impaired judgment, and psychological problems. The users family, especially children, will suffer psychological and physical trauma. Users violence, inability to protect their family, sexual abuse of women and children as well as abandonment are some of the changes a family can expect, hence the advice for women and children to seek restraining orders and other means of keeping the user away to prevent harm to family members. Women addicts will most likely abandon children, expose them to harm or even harm them if they are mothers; engage in irresponsible sexual behavior and spoil their looks. The Congress refused to contain the problem, as they either did not know about it in its early days, think of it as a big problem in the face of other hard drugs like cocaine and heroin or were influenced by pharmaceutical lobbyists to shoot down preventive measures and laws proposed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). This allowed the meth epidemic to get out of control while it could have been nipped in the bud. Recent actions to contain the epidemic in Oregon have been successful, especially after Meth Caucus made pseudoephedrine a behind the counter drug. Also useful was the limitation of the amount imported to other countries to the needed amount of cold medicines in important countries like Mexico. Lobbyists, acting the behest of pharmaceutical companies to protect their profits, have also helped along the spread of the epidemic. Gene Haislips drive to go after the chemical components for meth productions was watered down by removal of a vital clause that created a loophole exploited by meth cooks and Mexican cartels. Another fatal decision lobbyists were responsible for was the delay in coming

Monday, November 18, 2019

Persentation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persentation - Assignment Example Along with this factor Columbia is a country which is rich in natural resources but at the same time the country has class differences which have been running throughout the history, illegal drug cartels and differences between the political parties remain there making it a tough country to operate in. Maintaining focus on these we should be prepared with strategies to tackle such issues which can arise in the context of fore mentioned points. For preparing a strategy that is to successfully deal and cope up with the population, culture & class differences, political instabilities etc. in Columbia we need to understand in depth the heritage; develop a thorough understanding of its culture since our workforce will be consisting of mostly local population whose mentality and thinking process will be influenced or at least affected by these factors. Managing this local workforce will be tedious task for managers involved and for this experience such managers should be opted who have had firsthand experience working with diverse work forces and at the same time possess counseling qualities through which he could motivate them. A diversity strategy should be formulated.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Economic Crisis Through Digital Economy Information Technology Essay

The Economic Crisis Through Digital Economy Information Technology Essay Already a circulated topic which puts thoughts investors and businessmen, the economic crisis seems to be invincible. The solving and minimizing the effects exerted at the microeconomic and macroeconomic level are still a challenge for economists, both globally and nationally. In fact, today we are at the confluence of two crises: the first (short term) but there is a second economic crisis in the long term, which is about the changing business climate. Following studies carried out internationally, it was concluded that these two crises have in common that one possible solution is to develop the digital economy. Digital economy seen as a new economy is the effect of coexistence of computer systems, Internet, telecommunications, electronics and their sustainable development. The trend toward digital systems integrated values pose a new life cycle of e-business. This new model of economy is characterized by several features quite different from traditional economy. First, new economy presents new market and business models (e-business, E-commerce, e-banking, etc.) achieved through the intranet and the Internet, bringing a radical change in their efficiency, to reduce the cost. In recent years, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has emerged as the concrete form of realization of business, also involving the definition of sui generis markets scientific knowledge, driven by an increasingly developing research and development sector. Second highlight the application needs of consumers and their ever more active involvement in design, implementation and use of goods and services from early stage research and development. In the light of these realities, the new economy is non-interactive, participatory, thus achieving a more rigorous interaction between supply and demand, in time and space. Thus the consumer is without the knowledge, the main innovation pawn. It is he who offers ideas for innovational producer, who must maintain and expand markets, increase comfort and provide sustainable economic development. Third, we talk about competition and cooperation, two inseparable sides of the digital economy (taking account of the interaction between supply and demand, above). Forms of manifestation of competition between producers suffer due to temper consumer transformation, how it perceives and chooses a product or service name of the manufacturer at the expense, making vital cooperation between producers. All these lead to the creation of virtual organizations as being achieved exploitation of business opportunities by sharing resources (skills, cost and market access). Lastly, the most delicate of the economy, that is on a power greater than design work. But as in anything less pleasant there a good side, we see that the advantage of creating new jobs that require highly skilled. Digital economy is regarded as superior to the wider economy. This is given its economic effects, namely reducing resource consumption, increased innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, increase productivity, speed change production and economic phenomena and processes, increasing value added, etc. The term digital economy refers to the transformation produced in the economic activities resulting from the use of information and communication technology (ICT), which provides access, information processing and storage in a low-cost time low. Antithetical on the old economy growth was driven by mechanization of production, particularly manufacturing and agriculture, and the new economy, a promoter of development is generally digitization (using information technology to produce and distribute goods and services) and in particular , using the Internet and other information technologies (smart cards, voice-based computing, wireless, databases, telecommunications and expert systems) in the service sector, which encompasses 80% of jobs. Information technology revolution has transformed virtually all industries and is the main developer of economic efficiency and productivity growth, living standards, the customization of products and services to meet individual needs and desires. So on this evolving digital economy is developing an increasingly see knowledge as raw material of economic activity currently living in a knowledge revolution. This revolution means a fundamental change and transformation processes based economy alm ost exclusively on natural resources in the economy based mainly on knowledge. On the basis of this revolution is the decisive role that the knowledge they have acquired in recent decades, increased economic importance of information technology, business processes, human capital, capabilities and organization skills knowledge related to organic factors. The exponential growth of mobile communications and the number of Internet users, the contribution of the ICT sector (ICT) to economic growth and job creation, restructuring of companies and business in general to better benefit from new technologies, accelerated development of electronic commerce and the essence of the digital economy supporting the transition to a knowledge-based society. It offers the most promising prospects for overcoming the crisis and stop efecto social exclusion, but require social protection systems to become more active, provide incentives for work, ensuring sustainable retirement system for elderly people and a stable environment the transition to knowledge-based economy can be run. SMEs the mainly pawn In order to achieve the digital economy should focus on using technology within firms, both in terms of Exeter and the environment when it comes to the firms external environment. It is understandable that the field could have the biggest Benefits after investing in technology the SME sector. Importance of SMEs can be seen in their effect on the most important aspects of life inhabitants of a region and the level of economic development. Thus, the importance of SMEs lies in reality following: offers the largest supply of goods and services for a nation in a modern society; is the main supplier of value added in economic sectors that have purpose, offers most jobs; firm level performance influence the state and the performance of national economy and standard of living of the population. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, seeking to become states with mature economies, the SME sector is considered the pillar supporting the economy. On average, 99.7% of companies present in the 27 EU countries, generating more than two thirds of total employment and 60% of added value, said Helge Boschenbroker, director of the Zeb/ and author of Serving SMEs by banks in CEE. Information and communications technology, with electronic trading systems offer benefits in increased turnover after business processes. Transfer documents via existing network and computer network within the enterprise increases the efficiency of the economic process in terms of documentation, data processing and other administrative functions. Also in the SMEs, ICT and communications applications in this area may be the company much faster and can bring value and management company offering its effectiveness. Using advanced ICT systems, such as being ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and KMS (Knowledge Management System) enables enterprises to store, distribute and use their knowledge and know-how. For example, databases with a history of clients increase the flexibility and support given by managers and employees to customers. Regarding the internal environment of enterprises, the Internet and electronic commerce, offers significant potential in reducing transaction costs and time. If the type of B2B commerce, digital technology reduces the information asymmetry between buyers and suppliers provided. In fact, adoption of electronic commerce will reduce costs of transfer; increase transaction speed and superior build business relationships. Prerequisites for participation in a digital economy are the availability of accessible ICT with reasonable price and ability to use them. Currently, there are still many people who can not benefit fully from the opportunities offered by ICT because these prerequisites are not met. Using ICT in SMEs is important economically. E-business idea is crucial when talking about ICT, but refers to accessing, providing and sharing information in the networks business, ie making business into advanced digital economy. Although companies today continue to use cost savings by using ICT, ICT is increasingly recognized as an important tool for innovation and revenue growth. New services and new ways of working in networks of value occurred. Competition between enterprises is conducted in new ways and cooperation lies in their work. Knowledge-intensive activities have become more important. Companies are increasingly focused on their core competencies and outsource processes such non-core business. Currently, the vast majority of world countries have adopted proactive policies priority to create an environment conducive to sustainable development information and communication technologies (ICT) especially that between developed and developing or poor countries has created a digital gap (Digital Divide). Romania, like other emerging countries, is faced with the phenomenon known as the digital gap, that gap that exists in use of ICT in organizations, between different layers of society in the country to other countries. Digital divide concept is closely related to information society theory. Using these indicator researchers measured the extent to which certain segments of the population can participate in the information society. The gap is caused by social and economic inequalities between groups that influence access to digital information. These differences or inequalities arising from operating knowledge of computers and technology use by those present on the labor market and the marginalized, rich and poor, young and old. No wonder that the current economic crisis digital divide, in terms of Romania, to provide a surge. As the economy continues to be in crisis compared with other EU countries, differences in adoption and development of ICT will continue to increase. Finally it is possible for Romania to face a new crisis, a crisis of e-accessibility, but only if no measures are taken to support the adoption of sustainable ICT

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Alice Walker Essay -- essays research papers

Alice Walker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alice Walker is an African American essayist, novelist and poet. She is described as a â€Å"black feminist.†(Ten on Ten) Alice Walker tries to incorporate the concepts of her heritage that are absent into her essays; such things as how women should be independent and find their special talent or art to make their life better. Throughout Walker’s essay entitled â€Å"In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens,† I determined there were three factors that aided Walker gain the concepts of her heritage which are through artistic ability, her foremothers and artistic models.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens† touches mainly upon family heritage and the way her heritage was created. In Atwan’s Ten on Ten, you will find the essay on the Mothers’ Gardens. On page 83 it states, â€Å"For they were going nowhere immediate, and the future was not yet within their grasp.† This quote signifies how mothers and grandmothers would always be set serving the men in their lives; for their entire lives, however, there was a different future, a plan that they didn’t see yet. This plan was for them to identify their artistic ability, whether if it was through singing, writing or making quilts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the essay, â€Å"In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens,†Alice Walker’s mentions her foremothers. Women like Jean Toomer, Phillis Wheatley and Zora Neale Hurtson, who were all either poets or writers. Mike Fike has also reco...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Societal Implication Of Nanotechnology In Soil Improvement Environmental Sciences Essay

Abstract-Nanotechnology is an exciting and quickly emerging engineering leting us to work, pull strings and make tools, stuffs and constructions at the molecular degree, frequently atom by atom into functional constructions holding nanometer dimensions. Both developed and developing states are puting in this engineering to hold a market portion. Soil direction is playing of import function in agribusiness sector. Nanotechnology has opened up new chances to progress alimentary usage efficiency. With nanofertilizers comes out as options to conventional fertilisers, some researches had been conduct to better dirt direction, such as controlled release fertilisers ( CRF ) which released their alimentary contents bit by bit to carry through with the alimentary demand of a works. The social deductions of nanotechnology in dirt betterment emerged in many facets such as nanotechnology-specific ordinance should be introduced, compulsory labeling of all nanoproducts in nutrients is required ( o rdinance facet ) , nanomaterials in dirt fertiliser may make new possible wellness hazards, nanofertilizer may make new sorts of taint in dirts and waterways ( environment facet ) , marginalize poorer husbandmans ( economic system facets ) . The dirt betterment by nanotechnology must followed by a good direction and control from maker, authorities, public, and interest holders to undertake unwanted or negative deductions moreover. Keywords ; nanotechnology ; soil betterment ; controlled release fertilisers Introduction Nanotechnology has been described as the following new industrial revolution. Nanotechnology is broad involvement all over the universe and brings a new imaginativeness. The development of the topic has multiplied exponentially from a few old ages because of possibility to do things better and cheaper. The US National Nanotechnology Initiative ( NNI ) calls it â€Å" nanotechnology † merely if it contain all of the undermentioned: Research and engineering development from the atomic, molecular to macromolecular degrees, in graduated table of about 1 – 100 nanometre scope, bring forthing and utilizing constructions, devices and systems that have alone belongingss and maps, and capableness to command on the atomic graduated table. A nanometre is one-billionth of a metre. The thickness of a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometres ; diameter of a individual gold atom is about a 3rd of a nanometre. Different physical, chemical, and biological belongingss can look in stuff s at the nanoscale. These belongingss may be different from the belongingss of majority stuffs and individual atoms or molecules. The first ground why nanotechnology can germinate and emerge significantly because the intensifying research Fieldss of nanotechnology are normally thought to be extremely multidisciplinary because they come together from many countries of scientific discipline and engineering to do of import progresss ( Figure 1 ) . The word convergence means the united from different waies of antecedently tantamount but independent countries of scientific discipline and engineering. Second ground, Nanotechnology can be applied in many sectors from agribusiness, chemical, telecom, energy, and many more ( Figure 2 ) . It helps sectors to make new and advanced merchandises which better, more efficient, effectual, and cheaper. Figure 1. The place of nanoscience and nanotechnology over a basal map of scientific discipline in Science Citation Index ( SCI ) Both developed and developing states are puting in this engineering to obtain better market distribution. At 2004, the first state which had invested 2.943 billion Euros is USA. The 2nd is Japan about 2.29 billion Euros and the 3rd is the European Union about 1.94 billion Euros ( Figure 3 ) . The sum of support in developing states may be lesser ; nevertheless this has non turn down the impact of some states on the worldwide phase. India, South Korea, Iran, and Thailand are besides investing with applications particular to their economic development and demands of their states. Nanotechnologies may offer new solutions for the 1000000s of people in developing states who are short of accessing to indispensable demands, such as nutrient, H2O, energy, wellness attention, and instruction. Food Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) calculates about that 1.02 billion people are hungry all around the universe in 2009. The United Nations has agreed to construct Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) for work outing the jobs. One of MDG Goals is to extinguish utmost poorness and hungriness. This end can be achieved by nanotechnology encouragements harvest ‘s productiveness in agricultural sector. A new fertiliser, a better nutrient processing, and a new efficient and safe pesticides can be achieved by a new detector or techniques with nanotechnology enabled. Figure 3. Worldwide public and private outgo in 2004 Nanotechnologies may offer new solutions for the 1000000s of people in developing states who are short of accessing to indispensable demands, such as nutrient, H2O, energy, wellness attention, and instruction. Food Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) calculates about that 1.02 billion people are hungry all around the universe in 2009. The United Nations has agreed to construct Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) for work outing the jobs. One of MDG Goals is to extinguish utmost poorness and hungriness. This end can be achieved by nanotechnology encouragements harvest ‘s productiveness in agricultural sector. A new fertiliser, a better nutrient processing, and a new efficient and safe pesticides can be achieved by a new detector or techniques with nanotechnology enabled. Soil direction is playing of import function in agribusiness sector. Dirts are composite mixtures of solids with atom sizes about from nanometres to millimetres. Nanotechnology has brought up new chances to progress alimentary usage efficiency. With nanofertilizers emerging as replacement to conventional fertilisers, repairing foods in dirts better. It has helped to unwrap to new findings that works roots and micro-organisms can straight pick up alimentary ions from solid stage of minerals. Some researches had been done to better dirt direction, such as controlled release fertilisers ( CRF ) which is released their alimentary contents bit by bit to carry through the alimentary demand of a works. In 1996, the Polish applied a mixture of polysulfone and polyacrylonitrile as the surfacing stuff, and construct the industrial application of the fertiliser. The latest research is â€Å" Super combined fertiliser † and pesticide conducted by Pakistan-US Science and Technology Coopera tive Program 2006 to do fertiliser with slow release of active component, and application of fertiliser merely needs one clip through the life of the harvest. Figure 2. Nanotechnology toward perpendicular sectors The merchandises had been available in market which contains nanomaterials such as Primo MAXX works growing regulator which is manufactured by Syngenta. It contains 100nm atom size emulsion which alleged the highly little atom size allows Primo MAXX to intermix wholly with H2O and non remain in a spray armored combat vehicle. The last is Geohumus Soil Wetting Agent which is manufactured by Geohumus. It contains biocompatible high public presentation polymer which alleged dirt foil with H2O storage capacity based on nanotechnology. As nanotechnology improves the dirt direction patterns particularly in nanofertilizer, therefore hiking productiveness of harvests, there will be many deductions in society on many facets. The facets that we will discourse are ordinance, wellness issue, environments, and economic system. This paper seeks to help common people to understand the deductions and therefore assisting people to expect and extenuate any jobs or negatives deductions.DiscussionRegulationThere are four chief issues in ordinance facet. They are precautional rule, hazard direction ordinance, compulsory labeling and transparence. First issue is precautional rule. Nanomaterials in nanofertilizer should be regard as a new chemical affair and should be treated in precautional rule. The precautional rule is principle in moral and political that if action, policy, or merchandise may do injury to the people or to environment, where there is no scientific discipline cogent evidence otherwise, the duty to turn out is on t he people who taking the action. Before nanofertilizer available in market, the authorities should analyze from the fiction procedure until waste direction ( cradle to sculpt appraisals ) . Government must utilize precautional attack to halt the release of manufactured nanomaterials until there is sufficient cogent evidence that the benefits out without any bad effects. Nanotechnology-specific ordinance should be published to protect the populace, workers and the environment from impending new hazards related with nanotoxicity [ 14 ] . Second issue is risk direction ordinance. The authorities must hold a hazard direction ordinance about nanomaterials in nanofertilizer. Risk direction consists of jeopardy appraisal, jeopardy word picture, and exposure appraisal. Hazard appraisals are designation of the intrinsic capacity of a substance to do harmful effects, without trouble of such effects and quantitative rating of bad effects following exposure to a chemical stuff. Exposure appraisal is quantitative rating of exposure of worlds and the environment to the substance. Risk word picture is quantitative appraisal of the chance that a bad consequence will happen, and of its trouble and period under defined exposure fortunes [ 16 ] . Third issue is compulsory labeling. Compulsory labeling of all nanofoods is needed to do people to take the nutrients what is good for them [ 15 ] . Labeling is of import issue because it can consequence of nanofood ‘s sale. Many manufacturers love to conceal the facts that their merchandises grew utilizing nanofertilizer because many people afraid to purchase a new engineering in their nutrient. This job can be solved by market instruction through a batch and good of advertisement and authorities blessing. The last issue is transparency. Public must cognize all relevant informations related to safety rating, and the methodological analysiss used to obtain them. The populace should hold the chance to be involved in determination doing about in the nanofood and agribusiness sector with nanotechnology enabled. Manufacturers and ordinance must work together to do certain that their merchandises have been passed appropriate safety testing, and must give the relevant informations about the wellness and environmental safety of their merchandise [ 14 ] .HealthNanomaterials in nanofertilizer may make new possible hazards. The grounds are nanomaterials are more reactive, greater entree than larger atoms. This leads into nanotoxic that may impact human immune system and longer clip. Human may hold nanomaterial and acquire ill because the defensive system is non good at taking nanomaterial which is more adhesive and easy to infiltrate into human tissues and cells. A new device or detector is needed to observe happenings of nanomaterials in human organic structure. The detector should be accurate, fast, and easy to utilize for ordinary people like thermometer. As nanomaterial had taken to human organic structure, we need tools, medical specialty or surgery process to take unwanted nanomaterials. The medical specialty should be cheaper and easy to get where nanofertilizer applied. The workers in nanofertilizer fiction may hold higher degrees of nanomaterial exposure than the populace. The husbandman and the workers who applied nanofertilizer are more vulnerable to nanomaterial exposures. Therefore, a lastingness and good defender such as a new masquerader and glove must be worn all the times when using nanofertilizer. The standard process operation ( SOP ) when using nanofertilizer should be more item and accurate than SOP in ordinary chemical fertiliser.EnviromentAgricultural merchandises incorporating nanomaterials from production, usage, and disposal will dispatch nanomaterials into the environment. There is a alteration when nanofertilizer will hold bad ecological consequence to environment worse than conventional fertiliser because of let go ofing new sorts of dirt and waterway ‘s taint [ 14 ] . Conventional fertiliser showed some bad consequence such as overgrowth H2O jacinth and algae in pool because of inordinate food in the H2O, therefore killin g other being beneath the works. The rain can rinse off nanofertilizer from dirts to waterways. Nanomaterials in nanofertilizer can respond with micro-organism in the H2O. It may ensue in micro-organism loss or booming. The environment may besides endure from uncontrolled growing of unwanted workss. Some waterways in few states used as natural stuff to carry through H2O supplies. A new H2O filter is needed to take unwanted nanomaterials to clean up the H2O before administering to community. Some utile bacteriums in the dirt may endure because reaction with nanomaterials or in other ways unwanted bacteriums is dining therefore it do land debasement. The effects of nanofertilizer even in really small life should be monitored all the timesEconomyThe agribusiness and nutrient industries show nanotechnology patents have been increased really fast. Patents on seeds, pesticide, fertiliser and other techniques in agribusiness and nutrient are already controlled amongst a few large corporations in several developed states. N anotechnology is high barrier engineering, means lone states with good fiscal beginnings and good committedness can command and monopolise nanotechnology along with private companies. Nanofertilizer ‘s monetary value and supply in the universe may order merely by a few companies in developed states. These developed states normally introduce the new engineering into developing states by government-government ( G-G ) understandings. The developed states provide nanofertilizer with inexpensive monetary value in 5 or 10 old ages to developing husbandmans in the name of assistance. If the husbandman is going depended on nanofertilizer to hike their harvest ‘s productiveness, the companies will increase the monetary value and play the supplies to the husbandman. Some states may subsidise the husbandman to purchase nanofertilizer. The companies will hold net income enormously because the husbandman in developing states is abundant. In the terminal, husbandman in developing states may be marginalising of this capitalist economy actionDecisionsNanotechnology is an emerging new engineering. Nanotechnology has opened up new opportunities to better food usage efficiency. The development of nanofertilizer should be good calculated with sustainable agribusiness patterns to extinguish po orness and hungriness in the universe. Hiking the harvests ‘ productiveness is the same importance as prolonging the environment and human wellness. The dirt betterment by nanotechnology must followed by a good direction and control from industry, authorities, public, and interest holders to undertake unwanted or negative deductions furthermore

Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Pairs of Prepositional Idioms

5 Pairs of Prepositional Idioms 5 Pairs of Prepositional Idioms 5 Pairs of Prepositional Idioms By Mark Nichol A prepositional phrase is called that, and not a noun-and-preposition phrase or the like, for a good reason: The preposition determines the meaning. Here are five examples of pairs of prepositional phrases that are distinct in meaning because of the preposition used. 1. At Ease/with Ease In addition to being a military command to prompt a parade formation to adopt a degree of relaxation, â€Å"at ease† refers to a state of relaxation: â€Å"He stood at ease while waiting his turn.† â€Å"With ease† also modifies an action, but it is used to refer to a sense of effortlessness in such statements as â€Å"She completed the gymnastics routine with ease.† 2. At the End/in the End â€Å"At the end† is not used on its own as an idiom, but it appears in such expressions as â€Å"at the end of the day† (to mean â€Å"ultimately† or â€Å"as it turned out†) and â€Å"at the end of (one’s) rope† or â€Å"tether† to mean â€Å"pushed to (one’s) limits.† â€Å"In the end,† by itself, has the same senses as â€Å"at the end of the day.† 3. In Favor of/in Favor With To be in favor of is to approve of something. To be in favor with a person or a group is to have their approval or support. 4. By Name/in Name â€Å"By name† is used in such constructions as â€Å"I don’t know him by name† meaning that the person in question is known by the speaker or writer on some other basis, as by sight. (The speaker or writer recognizes the person by his appearance, for example, but doesn’t know his name.) Byname is a synonym for nickname. â€Å"In name† appears in the phrase â€Å"in name only,† meaning â€Å"not actually† (â€Å"Smith is the leader in name only; Jones actually runs everything†). â€Å"In (someone’s) name† means â€Å"as (someone’s) property† (â€Å"The house is in my name†) or â€Å"on (someone’s) behalf† (â€Å"Stop! In the name of the law!†) 5. On Time/in Time â€Å"On time† means â€Å"punctual.† â€Å"In time† means â€Å"within a determined time.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should Know7 Patterns of Sentence Structure5 Examples of Misplaced Modifiers

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Knowledge in Muhammad Yanus essays

Knowledge in Muhammad Yanus essays In Muhammad Yunus words, eradication of poverty starts when people are able to control their own fates. It is not by creating jobs that we will save the poor, but rather by providing them with the opportunity to realize their potential. I strongly agree with Muhammad Yunus statements, states, especially developing states, must provide their citizens with employment opportunities if they ever want their citizens to realize their potential and become productive individuals. Like, Muhammad pointed-out, realization of potential can lead to many great things, for both the country and the individual. I believe, like Muhammad, the number one reason why there is an overwhelming population that live in poverty, is because those individuals have been denied the opportunities to see what they are capable of. I think Muhammads establishment of the Grameen Bank is an absolutely brilliant idea. In my mind one of the best solutions to help people in the global south make a difference in their lives, have productive lives, and have a fighting chance to make a decent life for themselves. Muhammad is ingenious in the way he brings the very fundamentals of banking to give loans to poverty stricken villagers who wouldnt ordinarily be able to open up banking loans. Muhammads bank works on so many different levels, particularly that fact that it requires a small coalition of people to rely on each other to repay the loan that they are initially given. Peer pressure is indeed a powerful force, and it no doubt makes each individual strive to be productive with the money they are given. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Wrap Up Discussion LW WK9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wrap Up Discussion LW WK9 - Essay Example What was new to you? From the reading, one realized that managers could actually initially believe that change is not needed, especially when everything has been performing well. Just like Hem and Haw, they spend considerable amount of time resisting the need to change and trying to rationalize and justify why change was being imposed on them, in the first place. What was helpful to you? The lessons from what changes in organizations have relayed information that was helpful in realizing that routines are a source of stability in organizations and therefore need to be fundamentally disrupted to produce change. Just like what Hem and Haw experience, routinely going to Station C for their source of cheese limited their orientation and vision as precluding the source of their very existence to Station C. When they realized that the cheese at station C was gone, they thought that someone moved it and did not realize that routinely getting their cheese from this source depleted the supply. In addition, one learned that organizational change could be managed to minimize resistance and to ensure that the needed transformations would be instituted effectively. As learned, various organizations have different ways to manage organizational change depending on the reasons for change, the images of managing change, and the types of changes. Although there is no effective prescribed manner for managing change, the techniques and guiding principles outlined in the managing organizational change module are all helpful to cater to the specific needs of the organization. For one, I realized that managing organizational change needs the cooperation and participation of all who would be directly involved and affected by the change process. Further, after communicating all pertinent information relative to the proposed change, organizations must be prepared to implement the change process that affects internal resources and must also incorporate all

Friday, November 1, 2019

This about engineering class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

This about engineering class - Essay Example They also greatly support the tourism and hospitality industry of the country. These striking buildings incorporate a range of styles from neo-classical to high-tech modern and materials from sandstone to steel, concrete and glass and grapes the attention of the public. Each building has one or more features or functions that are very unique and hence, lead the structure to be known globally. One of the best examples of World Fair with large structure is Eiffel Tower which was initially built for the World’s Fair of 1889. The size of the structure makes a building special in the sense of its volume and uniqueness like the pyramids of Egypt, Sydney Opera House, Statue of Liberty, Burj Khalifa and skyscrapers and alike. The large buildings can be used for various purposes because to their usable space and area. Some of the world’s tallest structures known for their height are shown below: Petronas Twin Towers (RealChristianity). Shun Hing Square (Hasan). Eiffel Tower of P aris has become a global icon and one of the most familiar structures of the world. It is the most visited monument around the globe. It is 324 meters tall and it has been the tallest structure of the world for over forty years. Had Eiffel Tower been only 30 meters tall, it would not have been as significant and widely known as it is today.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing and technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing and technology - Essay Example The essence of technology in marketing is widely conveyed in terms of commerce and information sharing by way of advertising via the internet and other electronically operated means of promoting goods and commodities. In the presence of special software, online tools, and applications rendered possible by technology, marketing sites can be established to possess captivating themes in order to attract leads or buyers for whom a particular commodity or service is intended to be sold. Through the technology-enhanced worldwide web, social networking can impact persuasion of people to acknowledge or believe in an idea that leads to fruitful interactions. Eventually, the growth in relations with prospects which a business individual or group manages by mere socialization over the net would imply increase in revenues, in the level of productivity, and thereby in the yield of optimum profits. Of course, this normally accounts for an ideal assumption that undesirable factors like fraud and is sues on identity theft occur in rare frequency. Thus, because most people especially consumers prefer to negotiate online to save them some time and costs of travel, it is natural for business parties to put up their online stores via acquisition of paid domains and hosting. Internet is such an avenue with which several opportunities are realized and this concept of e-commerce can be perceived to extend its influence to almost every nature and form of business in a society. Based on the positive consequences of technology through the internet upon businesses in general, if handled properly beyond illegalities or corrupt intentions, online endeavor may sustain the U.S. economy at a desired rate. According to a bubble map study, however, the economic impact of the web, with particular reference to the use of Google, is not quite significant on the ‘services sector’ compared to the separate contributions of industries like Media and Telecommunications. Likewise, the Ã¢â‚¬Ë œretail sector’ of the U.S. is found not to obtain appreciable shares from the internet though the ‘manufacturing sector’ acquires favorable returns, on the contrary. In the assessment, surprisingly, manufacturing establishments possess the capacity of enabling good economy with their online endeavor as they undergo systematic yet effective approach of developing the e-manufacturing aspect of the business to support the economy by enhancing productivity and reducing costs. Moreover, marketing professionals are able to take advantage of technology by gaining the potential to conduct several modes of formal or informal product presentation using MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, phone app projection, and video conference among others. Because technological advancements have been capable of transforming device characteristics from analog to digital functions, from broadcasting to narrowcasting, and from stand-alone TV to internet-supported TV, there exist flexible options fo r marketing individuals to expand market and scheme toward optimal outcomes with consumers. It is normally convenient to work with technology-driven marketing for technology provides not only ease in executing tasks for marketers in various areas, it naturally captures the interest of the public due to upgraded resources and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Corporate Culture is Core Competitiveness Essay Example for Free

Corporate Culture is Core Competitiveness Essay Placed in rough sea, survival of the fittest, many companies are still competitive through the development of hundreds of years; the root of the reason is that they have their own corporate culture. Well, what’s the corporate culture? Corporate culture refers to the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature. Corporate culture is rooted in an organizations goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor. Not only does the corporate culture have its own characteristics, but most importantly that corporate culture is their core value which is the first core competitiveness. The corporate culture itself is kind of wisdom, it can’t be copied; it has deep historical accumulation and precipitation. Such as that â€Å"Respect and best service† is one of IBM’s core values that are why we call IBM as â€Å"Big Blue†. If we mention blue and everybody knows it is IBM, which culture influences those people’s thinking and doing, even wherever they go, they feel proud of that they are or they were in the Big Blue. The corporate culture just likes blood in the body, can’t be seen but can feel it and envision it. Regardless of the size of enterprises, large or small, they have their own management mode. However, experience management or system management, even other kind of management, all of them will definitely rise to the cultural management in the end. Corporate culture is the source of core competitiveness, which can create the enormous amount of cohesion, drive and creativity. The business leaders are also the best founders of corporate culture and implementers. They setup the suitable culture which can give employees a great sense of satisfaction in the spirit level and cause a strong sense of belonging. With similar thinking and shared goals, creativity can flourish and create a strong and powerful source of competitiveness. Economic globalization is a trend; the competition is no longer just in products but in who has a stronger corporate culture, which can cover in the market, all aspects of the talents and customers. Once the clients accept your culture and would like to do the business with you, and then we can say that corporate culture plays the role and changed to be a strong competitiveness. So I think corporate culture will be the necessity of the enterprise management in the future.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Graduation Speech: Follow Your Dreams -- Graduation Speech, Commenceme

Good evening. I would like to begin my speech with a story by Gary Barnes that contains the same message that I want to speak about tonight. Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle's nest rested. The eagle's nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle's egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds." The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar." The eagle continued staring at his real family up a...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rene Descartess View on God Essay -- Philosophy essays

Rene Descartes's View on God      Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1996, songwriter Joan Osborne performed a song called "One of Us" that was nominated for three Grammy Awards.   What made this song so successful and interesting were the powerful lyrics that basically asked, "What if God were a human being?"   As she was writing the lyrics to "One of Us," she was wondering about God and how the world would be different if God did exist in real life and not just a supernatural force.   You may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with the seventeenth century?"   Well, in the seventeenth century, there was a man, named Rene Descartes, who was interested in God and wondered about His existence.   After an unforgettable night in November 10, 1619, his interest in God became stronger, and had developed many views that concerned or were about God. When he expressed his investigations of applying inductive methods of science and mathematics to philosophy by the "Cogito ero sum" (I think, therefore I am), he started to ar gue the existence of God by saying that God and science could co-exist, since he proved that he existed.    Rene Descartes, a Catholic, had the benefit of an extensive classical education, which influenced him to become a great philosopher.   When he was eight years old, "he was enrolled in the Jesuit school of La Fleche in Anjou, where he remained for eight years" ("Descartes").   There, he received instruction in mathematics, scholastic philosophy, and classical studies. Although he was planning on having a military career in the Netherlands, "his attention had already been attracted to the problems of mathematics and philosophy to which he was to devote the rest of his life" ("Descartes").    Descartes experienced an unfor... ...    Descartes was an important philosopher in the seventeenth century and one of the reasons why was his view on God.   Because of his knowledge and inspiration that November 10, he has been able to elaborate on philosophy.   He had a mission to accomplish during his life, a mission to see the truth.   He was able to accomplish this mission by seeking the truth of God, algebra and geometry, reasoning, and many other theories that have caused him to be called the father of modern philosophy.    Works Cited: Descartes, Rene.   The Philosophical Works of Descartes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1911. Vrooman, Jack Rochford. Rene Descartes. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1970. "Descartes, Rene." Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Inc.,1952. "Rene Descartes." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.   13 July 1999.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Documentary Film Analysis Worksheet Essay

Instructions: You will find the list of films you can choose from in the Assignment tab. Go to the list and pick your film. You must view the entire film. If you can’t access films because of deployment, geographic location, or other reasons, please let your instructor know so they can give you an alternate assignment. Please type you answers into this sheet. You must submit the worksheet by uploading the worksheet as a Word document You must answer in complete sentences, using a short answer/paragraph format. Please do not answer in one or two sentences be specific. 2 paragraph minimum (except for #1) 1. What is the title of the film you picked? I chose the film, â€Å"Slavery and the Making of America.† 2. Why did you pick this film over the others offered? I chose this film documentary over the others because I have always wanted to learn more about slavery and how it shaped and effected America. Often we are just told what we read in books or stories that have been passed down about what really went on in this country. Slavery is a big subject and one of if not the biggest tragedies in the history of this country. I wanted to watch this documentary to uncover more truth and facts about the shape of this country during that time. I also liked the descriptions that are specified about the video and what it talks about and will cover. It states that the four part documentary will cover the beginning of slavery from the British colonies which then migrates down south to the north and how it ends. I have always been intrigued by the history of slavery and how it came about and how it was for Africans and African Americans during that time. 3. What is/are the central message(s) of this documentary/fictional film? Be specific. Use examples from the film to support your choice. There are many central messages regarding this documentary. The main messages conveyed in this documentary were resistance amongst the slaves, struggle to maintain dignity, their life styles and culture, their status as workers, knowing their value as a slave, the change of racism, slaves were underestimated about their knowledge and understanding, family was essential and helped them survive and powerful political figures along with American beliefs were major hypocrites. In 1624 the first eleven Africans known as the Atlantic Creole’s were brought via ships by the Dutch West India Company to New Amsterdam (New York today), at this time there were two kinds of workers; slaves and indentured workers(white and black laborers who served for a servant amount of years to get money and become free). Their statuses were confusing and complex however, they were both treated equal and would often retreat to taverns to bond and talk about their masters. The Atlantic Creole’s made the system work for them. They knew how to bargain with their masters to get what they needed and still maintain a fair working lifestyle. The turn of fair treatment towards both races changed in 1640 when three men (two white and one black) decided to flee from their master. They were caught two days later. In court the two whites were to serve a few more years as indentured workers while the black man was sentenced to life as an indentured worker. Slaves maintained their dignity by using the bible, their culture as Africans and family value to get them through. When times got hard they prayed and came together as a community. The treatment of slaves was inhumane, they were beaten, and tortured (branded, men castrated, ears cut off or severed, women raped and exploited) if they were misbehaving. Eventually slaves were beginning to be resistant. They would harm cattle, run away, commit suicide and sometimes revolt towards their masters to receive better treatment. President Thomas Jefferson was considered to be a huge hypocrite along with political powers in America. They wrote documents and petitions stating that all men were created equal. Jefferson claimed he was not big about slavery yet, he owned over 250 slaves and did not free a single one even as President. Slaves were treated like animals and property rather than human beings (3/5th constitution stated that slaves were only 3/5th human and therefore were to be treated as such.) 4. Consider the effectiveness of the film for this history class. What are its strengths and weaknesses of this film in documenting history? This film is strong and very effective with many strengths. It gives a detailed account of slavery and the lives of significant people who helped to abolish slavery. It talks about David Walker and his appeal and what the Appeal did for all blacks and whites fighting for the cause. Later it talks about Maria Stewart (Walker’s prodigy) and how she was the first black women to speak to a mixed audience those of men and women and how the lawsuit she won later would bring about the Emancipation. Other significant role players were Harriet Jacobs who was the first women to write a slave narrative. Her life consisted in the attempts to be free of her master who wanted her for sexual purposes. She fell in love with another white man and produced two children for him. In order for her children to be free she fled to her grandmother’s home who was free and she lived in an enclosed space for the next seven years. Although, her children were free it would be a few more years before she would ever see them again. The only weakness to this documentary I found was that it skipped times periods and went back and forth. It said very little about the Declaration of Independence and what it meant to African Americans. During this time it also does not mention the impact that the Quakers had on blacks. It just mentions that they were there and what they fought for.2 5. How do you think the filmmakers want the audience to respond? Is there a social justice message? If so, what is it? I would say filmmakers would want the audience to have a better appreciation for blacks and what they went through and those that helped fight for racism and anti-slavery movements. I think initially anyone who watches this film would first be ashamed to call the U.S their country but, then after a while realizing that was the country’s way of living and way of life at the time. To think that people were treated like animals and had no rights is an injustice and definitely a contradiction to the American beliefs. The audience may want to re-read the Declaration of Independence and see if its principals are practiced to this day. There is definitely a social justice  message. In the documentary it talks about the first eleven slaves from Africa known as the Atlantic Creole. As time passes they negotiate with their masters to get land, get paid for their labor and even have their children become free after a certain amount of time. The slaves knew their worth and at the time they were able to negotiate because there were no harsh laws at this time. A couple of the men even sued their masters and won for loss of wages. Other examples include resistance and revolts. A big indicator was the Walker Appeal. In the Appeal Walker motivates black slaves to stand up for themselves and roles out argument over the history of slavery. He criticizes Thomas Jefferson and America’s political party for being a contradiction stating they want all men to be treated equally and free except many of them stilled owned slaves and were not freeing them. 6. Did the documentary leave you with any unanswered questions? If so, what were they? The documentary was very informative and very detailed oriented. I would have like to know more about Thomas Jefferson and President Washington. The documentary does not cover President Washington’s role in slavery or how he felt about it and what actions he took. Of course he owned slaves but, did he feel the same as Jefferson? What was he doing at this time for the country in regards to slavery? I also wanted to know what Thomas Jefferson’s role was after the Declaration of Independence took effect. He owned over 250 slaves. I wonder what he was like toward his slaves and how he treated them. If he was against slavery then why did he not free his slaves or why did he wait so long? Why did he not play a bigger role in helping the slaves? 7. How did this film change any misconceptions or stereotypes you had about the subject matter? If so, what were they? Since, I already knew basic facts about slavery I did not have any stereotypes. I will say that I had lack of knowledge with the real life situations that many individuals experienced. For example, the film states the punishments for any slave that runs away. The first punishment they were  whipped. The second punishment they were branded with an R on their right cheek. The third punishment their ear was severed and another R on the left cheek for runaway, and the fourth punishment males were castrated. I had misconceptions about the Presidents. I used to respect the Presidents Jefferson and Lincoln. History says they are some of our founding fathers. To me they were prejudice cowards who had no intention of freeing slaves although, they say they did not believe in slavery. America builds these prominent figures up as if they are heroes. Sure, they developed great causes and did great things (Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence, and Lincoln with the Emancipation Proclama tion) but again this did nothing for slaves. 8. What did you enjoy most about the film? Dislike the most? Be specific. I like that the film was very detailed in the lives of those people who made a difference. The film also stresses how important slavery was and how blacks were portrayed and treated. I was constantly being fed about facts that I definitely did not learn in school history books. Significant unknown people such as a slave called Titus who was very skilled and a smart slave and owned by a short tempered Quaker who would not release him although, a lot of Quakers were freeing their slaves. Titus eventually runs away and comes back years later as a sophisticated colonel of a small army of whites and blacks to fight in various wars and help free his people. Another unknown significant slave was Emanuel Dregas. He was owned by Captain Pot and later Pot owned his family. Once Pot became stricken by poverty he sold Dregas’ family. After Captain Pot died, Dregas later became free but, his family remained enslaved and for the rest of his life he fought to get them freedom. I can honestly there was nothing that I did not like about the film. 9. What is the most important thing you learned from watching the film? The most important thing I learned about this film was the value of African Americans verses slavery and how the first Africans were able to be more free with their decisions and able to negotiate their wages. Again the first  eleven Africans known as the Atlantic Creole in 1624 came by way of ship purchased by the Dutch West Indian Company. As they built the Dutch Colony in New Amsterdam (New York today) there were no laws about slavery and they had no structure. They were just required to work hard for their masters. These slaves began to recognize their worth and realized they were not being paid their value. A few of them sued their slave owners for higher wages. They also began to negotiate with their masters. They made the system work for them. The masters wanted to appease them so that they would continue to work. In turn masters gave their slaves half freedom. This meant men who married could live with their wives on the free Negro land. They could grow their own crops, cattle and they could farm there. Slaves were very valuable. The more slaves that were owned the more land the slave owner received. For example, one slave equaled five acres of land. Cotton was the biggest product since tobacco and was in high demand throughout the world specifically Europe. Thousands of slaves were requested and then shipped from West Africa to complete these slave picking tasks. It was a nonstop twenty-four seven job. Slaves worked from sunrise till sundown. If it was a full moon they worked through the night as well. 10. Why is this film important to understanding contemporary African American History? This film is important to understanding contemporary African American History, because of the details it covers of slavery, the people and a nation it effected and how these people survived such a harsh, cruel and demanding life style. Africans and African Americans struggled yet their religious beliefs, love for family and will to live and eventually fighting back got them through. This is seen in the attempted Nat Turner revolt, Walker Appeal pamphlet, the slave narrative by Harriet Jacobs and Maria Stewart. Each of these individuals fought for a cause that they did not see or experience in their lifetime but, knew that it would come in the following generations. These individuals had guts and wanted to tell the truth. David Walker exploits American beliefs in his Appeal when he talks President Thomas Jefferson being a hypocrite and how he wants all men to be created equally yet he owns slaves and would not free them. America was turned upside down due to the attitude of slavery. The nation was becoming a separate society. It was the North and West vs the South. While the North and West had abolished slavery the South was nowhere near that or wanted anything to do with it. Economic power became political power. Those that had prospered or came from money were running for the senate, government and even for presidency. Based upon this alone Africans, African Americans and various indentured workers built this country and assisted the country in making it an economic powerhouse.