Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing and technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing and technology - Essay Example The essence of technology in marketing is widely conveyed in terms of commerce and information sharing by way of advertising via the internet and other electronically operated means of promoting goods and commodities. In the presence of special software, online tools, and applications rendered possible by technology, marketing sites can be established to possess captivating themes in order to attract leads or buyers for whom a particular commodity or service is intended to be sold. Through the technology-enhanced worldwide web, social networking can impact persuasion of people to acknowledge or believe in an idea that leads to fruitful interactions. Eventually, the growth in relations with prospects which a business individual or group manages by mere socialization over the net would imply increase in revenues, in the level of productivity, and thereby in the yield of optimum profits. Of course, this normally accounts for an ideal assumption that undesirable factors like fraud and is sues on identity theft occur in rare frequency. Thus, because most people especially consumers prefer to negotiate online to save them some time and costs of travel, it is natural for business parties to put up their online stores via acquisition of paid domains and hosting. Internet is such an avenue with which several opportunities are realized and this concept of e-commerce can be perceived to extend its influence to almost every nature and form of business in a society. Based on the positive consequences of technology through the internet upon businesses in general, if handled properly beyond illegalities or corrupt intentions, online endeavor may sustain the U.S. economy at a desired rate. According to a bubble map study, however, the economic impact of the web, with particular reference to the use of Google, is not quite significant on the ‘services sector’ compared to the separate contributions of industries like Media and Telecommunications. Likewise, the Ã¢â‚¬Ë œretail sector’ of the U.S. is found not to obtain appreciable shares from the internet though the ‘manufacturing sector’ acquires favorable returns, on the contrary. In the assessment, surprisingly, manufacturing establishments possess the capacity of enabling good economy with their online endeavor as they undergo systematic yet effective approach of developing the e-manufacturing aspect of the business to support the economy by enhancing productivity and reducing costs. Moreover, marketing professionals are able to take advantage of technology by gaining the potential to conduct several modes of formal or informal product presentation using MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, phone app projection, and video conference among others. Because technological advancements have been capable of transforming device characteristics from analog to digital functions, from broadcasting to narrowcasting, and from stand-alone TV to internet-supported TV, there exist flexible options fo r marketing individuals to expand market and scheme toward optimal outcomes with consumers. It is normally convenient to work with technology-driven marketing for technology provides not only ease in executing tasks for marketers in various areas, it naturally captures the interest of the public due to upgraded resources and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Corporate Culture is Core Competitiveness Essay Example for Free

Corporate Culture is Core Competitiveness Essay Placed in rough sea, survival of the fittest, many companies are still competitive through the development of hundreds of years; the root of the reason is that they have their own corporate culture. Well, what’s the corporate culture? Corporate culture refers to the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature. Corporate culture is rooted in an organizations goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor. Not only does the corporate culture have its own characteristics, but most importantly that corporate culture is their core value which is the first core competitiveness. The corporate culture itself is kind of wisdom, it can’t be copied; it has deep historical accumulation and precipitation. Such as that â€Å"Respect and best service† is one of IBM’s core values that are why we call IBM as â€Å"Big Blue†. If we mention blue and everybody knows it is IBM, which culture influences those people’s thinking and doing, even wherever they go, they feel proud of that they are or they were in the Big Blue. The corporate culture just likes blood in the body, can’t be seen but can feel it and envision it. Regardless of the size of enterprises, large or small, they have their own management mode. However, experience management or system management, even other kind of management, all of them will definitely rise to the cultural management in the end. Corporate culture is the source of core competitiveness, which can create the enormous amount of cohesion, drive and creativity. The business leaders are also the best founders of corporate culture and implementers. They setup the suitable culture which can give employees a great sense of satisfaction in the spirit level and cause a strong sense of belonging. With similar thinking and shared goals, creativity can flourish and create a strong and powerful source of competitiveness. Economic globalization is a trend; the competition is no longer just in products but in who has a stronger corporate culture, which can cover in the market, all aspects of the talents and customers. Once the clients accept your culture and would like to do the business with you, and then we can say that corporate culture plays the role and changed to be a strong competitiveness. So I think corporate culture will be the necessity of the enterprise management in the future.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Graduation Speech: Follow Your Dreams -- Graduation Speech, Commenceme

Good evening. I would like to begin my speech with a story by Gary Barnes that contains the same message that I want to speak about tonight. Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle's nest rested. The eagle's nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle's egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds." The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar." The eagle continued staring at his real family up a...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rene Descartess View on God Essay -- Philosophy essays

Rene Descartes's View on God      Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1996, songwriter Joan Osborne performed a song called "One of Us" that was nominated for three Grammy Awards.   What made this song so successful and interesting were the powerful lyrics that basically asked, "What if God were a human being?"   As she was writing the lyrics to "One of Us," she was wondering about God and how the world would be different if God did exist in real life and not just a supernatural force.   You may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with the seventeenth century?"   Well, in the seventeenth century, there was a man, named Rene Descartes, who was interested in God and wondered about His existence.   After an unforgettable night in November 10, 1619, his interest in God became stronger, and had developed many views that concerned or were about God. When he expressed his investigations of applying inductive methods of science and mathematics to philosophy by the "Cogito ero sum" (I think, therefore I am), he started to ar gue the existence of God by saying that God and science could co-exist, since he proved that he existed.    Rene Descartes, a Catholic, had the benefit of an extensive classical education, which influenced him to become a great philosopher.   When he was eight years old, "he was enrolled in the Jesuit school of La Fleche in Anjou, where he remained for eight years" ("Descartes").   There, he received instruction in mathematics, scholastic philosophy, and classical studies. Although he was planning on having a military career in the Netherlands, "his attention had already been attracted to the problems of mathematics and philosophy to which he was to devote the rest of his life" ("Descartes").    Descartes experienced an unfor... ...    Descartes was an important philosopher in the seventeenth century and one of the reasons why was his view on God.   Because of his knowledge and inspiration that November 10, he has been able to elaborate on philosophy.   He had a mission to accomplish during his life, a mission to see the truth.   He was able to accomplish this mission by seeking the truth of God, algebra and geometry, reasoning, and many other theories that have caused him to be called the father of modern philosophy.    Works Cited: Descartes, Rene.   The Philosophical Works of Descartes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1911. Vrooman, Jack Rochford. Rene Descartes. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1970. "Descartes, Rene." Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Inc.,1952. "Rene Descartes." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.   13 July 1999.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Documentary Film Analysis Worksheet Essay

Instructions: You will find the list of films you can choose from in the Assignment tab. Go to the list and pick your film. You must view the entire film. If you can’t access films because of deployment, geographic location, or other reasons, please let your instructor know so they can give you an alternate assignment. Please type you answers into this sheet. You must submit the worksheet by uploading the worksheet as a Word document You must answer in complete sentences, using a short answer/paragraph format. Please do not answer in one or two sentences be specific. 2 paragraph minimum (except for #1) 1. What is the title of the film you picked? I chose the film, â€Å"Slavery and the Making of America.† 2. Why did you pick this film over the others offered? I chose this film documentary over the others because I have always wanted to learn more about slavery and how it shaped and effected America. Often we are just told what we read in books or stories that have been passed down about what really went on in this country. Slavery is a big subject and one of if not the biggest tragedies in the history of this country. I wanted to watch this documentary to uncover more truth and facts about the shape of this country during that time. I also liked the descriptions that are specified about the video and what it talks about and will cover. It states that the four part documentary will cover the beginning of slavery from the British colonies which then migrates down south to the north and how it ends. I have always been intrigued by the history of slavery and how it came about and how it was for Africans and African Americans during that time. 3. What is/are the central message(s) of this documentary/fictional film? Be specific. Use examples from the film to support your choice. There are many central messages regarding this documentary. The main messages conveyed in this documentary were resistance amongst the slaves, struggle to maintain dignity, their life styles and culture, their status as workers, knowing their value as a slave, the change of racism, slaves were underestimated about their knowledge and understanding, family was essential and helped them survive and powerful political figures along with American beliefs were major hypocrites. In 1624 the first eleven Africans known as the Atlantic Creole’s were brought via ships by the Dutch West India Company to New Amsterdam (New York today), at this time there were two kinds of workers; slaves and indentured workers(white and black laborers who served for a servant amount of years to get money and become free). Their statuses were confusing and complex however, they were both treated equal and would often retreat to taverns to bond and talk about their masters. The Atlantic Creole’s made the system work for them. They knew how to bargain with their masters to get what they needed and still maintain a fair working lifestyle. The turn of fair treatment towards both races changed in 1640 when three men (two white and one black) decided to flee from their master. They were caught two days later. In court the two whites were to serve a few more years as indentured workers while the black man was sentenced to life as an indentured worker. Slaves maintained their dignity by using the bible, their culture as Africans and family value to get them through. When times got hard they prayed and came together as a community. The treatment of slaves was inhumane, they were beaten, and tortured (branded, men castrated, ears cut off or severed, women raped and exploited) if they were misbehaving. Eventually slaves were beginning to be resistant. They would harm cattle, run away, commit suicide and sometimes revolt towards their masters to receive better treatment. President Thomas Jefferson was considered to be a huge hypocrite along with political powers in America. They wrote documents and petitions stating that all men were created equal. Jefferson claimed he was not big about slavery yet, he owned over 250 slaves and did not free a single one even as President. Slaves were treated like animals and property rather than human beings (3/5th constitution stated that slaves were only 3/5th human and therefore were to be treated as such.) 4. Consider the effectiveness of the film for this history class. What are its strengths and weaknesses of this film in documenting history? This film is strong and very effective with many strengths. It gives a detailed account of slavery and the lives of significant people who helped to abolish slavery. It talks about David Walker and his appeal and what the Appeal did for all blacks and whites fighting for the cause. Later it talks about Maria Stewart (Walker’s prodigy) and how she was the first black women to speak to a mixed audience those of men and women and how the lawsuit she won later would bring about the Emancipation. Other significant role players were Harriet Jacobs who was the first women to write a slave narrative. Her life consisted in the attempts to be free of her master who wanted her for sexual purposes. She fell in love with another white man and produced two children for him. In order for her children to be free she fled to her grandmother’s home who was free and she lived in an enclosed space for the next seven years. Although, her children were free it would be a few more years before she would ever see them again. The only weakness to this documentary I found was that it skipped times periods and went back and forth. It said very little about the Declaration of Independence and what it meant to African Americans. During this time it also does not mention the impact that the Quakers had on blacks. It just mentions that they were there and what they fought for.2 5. How do you think the filmmakers want the audience to respond? Is there a social justice message? If so, what is it? I would say filmmakers would want the audience to have a better appreciation for blacks and what they went through and those that helped fight for racism and anti-slavery movements. I think initially anyone who watches this film would first be ashamed to call the U.S their country but, then after a while realizing that was the country’s way of living and way of life at the time. To think that people were treated like animals and had no rights is an injustice and definitely a contradiction to the American beliefs. The audience may want to re-read the Declaration of Independence and see if its principals are practiced to this day. There is definitely a social justice  message. In the documentary it talks about the first eleven slaves from Africa known as the Atlantic Creole. As time passes they negotiate with their masters to get land, get paid for their labor and even have their children become free after a certain amount of time. The slaves knew their worth and at the time they were able to negotiate because there were no harsh laws at this time. A couple of the men even sued their masters and won for loss of wages. Other examples include resistance and revolts. A big indicator was the Walker Appeal. In the Appeal Walker motivates black slaves to stand up for themselves and roles out argument over the history of slavery. He criticizes Thomas Jefferson and America’s political party for being a contradiction stating they want all men to be treated equally and free except many of them stilled owned slaves and were not freeing them. 6. Did the documentary leave you with any unanswered questions? If so, what were they? The documentary was very informative and very detailed oriented. I would have like to know more about Thomas Jefferson and President Washington. The documentary does not cover President Washington’s role in slavery or how he felt about it and what actions he took. Of course he owned slaves but, did he feel the same as Jefferson? What was he doing at this time for the country in regards to slavery? I also wanted to know what Thomas Jefferson’s role was after the Declaration of Independence took effect. He owned over 250 slaves. I wonder what he was like toward his slaves and how he treated them. If he was against slavery then why did he not free his slaves or why did he wait so long? Why did he not play a bigger role in helping the slaves? 7. How did this film change any misconceptions or stereotypes you had about the subject matter? If so, what were they? Since, I already knew basic facts about slavery I did not have any stereotypes. I will say that I had lack of knowledge with the real life situations that many individuals experienced. For example, the film states the punishments for any slave that runs away. The first punishment they were  whipped. The second punishment they were branded with an R on their right cheek. The third punishment their ear was severed and another R on the left cheek for runaway, and the fourth punishment males were castrated. I had misconceptions about the Presidents. I used to respect the Presidents Jefferson and Lincoln. History says they are some of our founding fathers. To me they were prejudice cowards who had no intention of freeing slaves although, they say they did not believe in slavery. America builds these prominent figures up as if they are heroes. Sure, they developed great causes and did great things (Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence, and Lincoln with the Emancipation Proclama tion) but again this did nothing for slaves. 8. What did you enjoy most about the film? Dislike the most? Be specific. I like that the film was very detailed in the lives of those people who made a difference. The film also stresses how important slavery was and how blacks were portrayed and treated. I was constantly being fed about facts that I definitely did not learn in school history books. Significant unknown people such as a slave called Titus who was very skilled and a smart slave and owned by a short tempered Quaker who would not release him although, a lot of Quakers were freeing their slaves. Titus eventually runs away and comes back years later as a sophisticated colonel of a small army of whites and blacks to fight in various wars and help free his people. Another unknown significant slave was Emanuel Dregas. He was owned by Captain Pot and later Pot owned his family. Once Pot became stricken by poverty he sold Dregas’ family. After Captain Pot died, Dregas later became free but, his family remained enslaved and for the rest of his life he fought to get them freedom. I can honestly there was nothing that I did not like about the film. 9. What is the most important thing you learned from watching the film? The most important thing I learned about this film was the value of African Americans verses slavery and how the first Africans were able to be more free with their decisions and able to negotiate their wages. Again the first  eleven Africans known as the Atlantic Creole in 1624 came by way of ship purchased by the Dutch West Indian Company. As they built the Dutch Colony in New Amsterdam (New York today) there were no laws about slavery and they had no structure. They were just required to work hard for their masters. These slaves began to recognize their worth and realized they were not being paid their value. A few of them sued their slave owners for higher wages. They also began to negotiate with their masters. They made the system work for them. The masters wanted to appease them so that they would continue to work. In turn masters gave their slaves half freedom. This meant men who married could live with their wives on the free Negro land. They could grow their own crops, cattle and they could farm there. Slaves were very valuable. The more slaves that were owned the more land the slave owner received. For example, one slave equaled five acres of land. Cotton was the biggest product since tobacco and was in high demand throughout the world specifically Europe. Thousands of slaves were requested and then shipped from West Africa to complete these slave picking tasks. It was a nonstop twenty-four seven job. Slaves worked from sunrise till sundown. If it was a full moon they worked through the night as well. 10. Why is this film important to understanding contemporary African American History? This film is important to understanding contemporary African American History, because of the details it covers of slavery, the people and a nation it effected and how these people survived such a harsh, cruel and demanding life style. Africans and African Americans struggled yet their religious beliefs, love for family and will to live and eventually fighting back got them through. This is seen in the attempted Nat Turner revolt, Walker Appeal pamphlet, the slave narrative by Harriet Jacobs and Maria Stewart. Each of these individuals fought for a cause that they did not see or experience in their lifetime but, knew that it would come in the following generations. These individuals had guts and wanted to tell the truth. David Walker exploits American beliefs in his Appeal when he talks President Thomas Jefferson being a hypocrite and how he wants all men to be created equally yet he owns slaves and would not free them. America was turned upside down due to the attitude of slavery. The nation was becoming a separate society. It was the North and West vs the South. While the North and West had abolished slavery the South was nowhere near that or wanted anything to do with it. Economic power became political power. Those that had prospered or came from money were running for the senate, government and even for presidency. Based upon this alone Africans, African Americans and various indentured workers built this country and assisted the country in making it an economic powerhouse.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aristarchus-Biography essays

Aristarchus-Biography essays Aristarchus was not just a man of astronomy. He was also actively involved in mathematics as well as astronomy. He used his knowledge in both fields to discover great advances in the astronomy world like the fact that the earth rotates on its own axis and that the sun is in a fixed position and that the earth revolves around it. Even though Aristarchus ideas and hypotheses were not approved by the rest of the astronomers and mathematicians in the Greek world they did not persecute him. The exact date that Aristarchus died is not sure of but it is guessed that he was born around 310 BC in Greece. They think that he died around 230 BC in Greece. Not really anything is known about his childhood or his parents. But some of his mentors that helped him with his thirst for knowledge are Archimedes and Strato of Lampsacus. Strato of Lampsacus was head of Aristotles Lyceum but Aristarchus is thought to have studied with him in Greece and not Athens. In 287 BC Strato succeeded Theophrastrus and became head of the Lyceum at Alexandria. It is assumed that Aristarchus started studying with him there shortly after with some very smart and influential men. Its thought that Aristarchus made his observations of the summer solstice during One of Aristarchus observations was in the correction of Callipus estimate of the length of they year. Aristarchus added 1/1623 of a day to it and in doing that he discovered six astronomical hypotheses and form those six he founded eighteen propositions. They were all regarding the measurement of the sizes and distances of various stars and planets relative to the known diameter of the Earth. But, of all his discoveries and conclusions Aristarchus is most celebrated as the first to propose a sun-centered universe and for trying to determine the sizes and distances He is only considered to have tried or ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Lord of The Flies

The Lord of The Flies Free Online Research Papers The novel, The Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding was published by Penguin Putnam Inc. in New York, New York. The copyright date is 1954. Take a group of privileged school boys from a sophisticated background and send them through a horrific ordeal. Then leave them to live without adult supervision in an environment hostile and alien to their normal life. The Lord of the Flies is Golding’s examination of human behavior during a life or death situation. The setting of this book was an unfriendly island. This island was the story. It was a complete change of environment for the young boys who were used to their city life. They had to now learn to survive on their own. So, first challenge a group of boys to survive a terrible plane crash. Then left alone without supervision they band together for security until opinions from leaders force two groups to emerge. The environment is one of the main characters. It makes the boys do things that they aren’t accustomed to doing. The groups begin their own primitive societies based on what they know from experience and home, and what it takes to live in their new environment. They have to deal with all the major aspects of life. Where to get food, how to make shelter, how to stay warm when it’s cold. Then they are faced with establishing order within their groups. Should there or shouldn’t there be rules? Who should lead? The boys have to do for themselves what has already been done for them. Are they able to survive on a hostile environment without the structure of an established society? The two main leaders Ralph and Jack have strong differences of opinion on how they should lead the group and survive. This becomes the conflict in where the two boys split apart and jack forms a new group and is open to anyone that would like to join. This affected the characters by changing how they acted and lived. Jack didn’t like that Ralph wanted to carry on in the way they did in England with rules and a structured law system. Jack wanted to rid of rules and rule the island as he wanted. He acted out as a savage, painted their faces, speared p igs, ran around like cavemen. I felt that considering the environment the boys were thrown into I m not surprised at the way they acted. Boys are boys and the fact that there were no other people on the island with no laws or a structured society they acted out. People wouldn’t act the way they do if there were no rules or organization. It is only the pressure of those things that men act the way we do. My critique is that I enjoyed the book. The story is written very well and I was interested the whole time. I don’t think I could identify myself with any of the characters but some characters reminded me of people I know. Jack reminded me of some people that I know in my life. Jack was overconfident and acted tough. I know people that will act like that and also if you prove them wrong they will always come back with something else o they don’t look stupid. The author, William Golding, did an excellent job on this novel. The description of the setting, and the characters personalities and appearance was great. There was so much imagery in the story and that was great because it helps people like me to visualize the description in my head. There was a lot of dialogue. It was good to have it but sometimes there was too much. With all the conflicts in the story Golding definitely created a sense of suspense. I could practically hear the suspenseful music coming from the book as the savage boys were running after Ralph toward the end of the book. I would definitely recommend this book to others. I know that although this is a required book for most high schools it should still be read by people who haven’t read it. I think the age group for this book should be for young adults who will have a better understanding for the story than younger readers. The Lord of the Flies, I thought was an excellent book. Research Papers on The Lord of The FliesHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsWhere Wild and West MeetStandardized TestingRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andGenetic EngineeringThe Spring and Autumn

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How they change Essays - Fahrenheit 451, Social Science Fiction

How they change Essays - Fahrenheit 451, Social Science Fiction Lauren Sladic English 9 6th Hour Ms. Henderhan 12 March 2015 How they change In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, Montag begins to challenge conformity and question society throughout the book. Bradbury begins part two with Montag acting very suspicious when he could feel the energy of the electric hound outside his door, The cold rain falling. And the smell of blue electricity blowing under the locked door. Lets get back to work, Montag said quietly (68). As Montags anxiousness triggers a fight between him and Mildred he shows his change as he wouldve never argued with Mildred before. Another way that Bradbury shows how Montag has changed, when Mildreds friends are over and he begins to read poetry to them. AS him doing something that to the ladies is crazy one of Mildreds friends begins to cry, As Mrs. Phelps is crying Mrs. Bowles is not happy with Montag. As she begins to argue with Montag he insists her to leave by saying, Go home and think of your first husband divorced and your second husband killed in a jet and your third husband blowing his brains outGo h ome! Go home! he yelled Before I knock you down and kick you out the door (98). Montag lashes out on her as he would never have done before. Montags changes thorough part two have not seemed to help him to his benefit.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Persuasive Memo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive Memo - Research Paper Example On the side of the company, the Affordable Care Act helps the company to attract more employees. These employees will want to apply for jobs in the company, this is because they know that there is good health insurance policy. If the Act is not active, this potential manpower will not be interested in the company. It is also an advantage to the company as the existing manpower will continue to serve in the company. This is because they are aware of the health insurance. Increase in productivity will be experienced by the company. This is the other thing that the company will benefit from the Affordable Care Act. This will be experienced as the number of employees increase in the company. This is because there will be enough manpower in the company. The Act will also reduce the number of absentees. Many of the employees will never want to be absent as they are aware of the Act (Burkhauser, 32). When an employer thinks of changing the company’s system, she should think of the expenses she will have to come across. Changing the system to have part-time employees will cost a lot to the company as the employees will need training before they are effective to their respective jobs. This will raise a marginal cost even if the part-time employees don’t change the system (Burkhauser, 92). In this Act, there is the employers’ mandate. This is a penalty made for those employers who do not abide by these rules. These are employers who have 50 and above employees in their firms and working full-time while they are not having the health insurance. These are also those employers who have the intension if changing their current health insurance system. The employers’ mandate ensures that the existing systems of these companies don’t change. There is a suggestion that a system of pay to play will be introduced so as to have direct taxation on the companies that do not obey this act. This can be done by having a percentage o the payrolls (Faguet,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Opinion paper about the professional nurses role in the business of Research

Opinion about the professional nurses role in the business of health care - Research Paper Example Nurses having the financial information will mean that the patients will be able to be provided with the financial information directly. Nurses will be able to explain the cost of treatments to the patients before they chose the best treatment costs as well as enable them develop a payment plan for those in palliative care whose treatment costs are very expensive (Malloch & Porter-O’Grady, 2013). The hospital administrator is the one who receives all the information about the finances in the hospital from the finance department reports. The administrator is in charge of the staff and since he holds the report from the finance, he is in a better position to impart that knowledge to them which can then be transferred to the clients (Wolper, 2010). The administrator has the authority from the board to discipline any staff that does not follow the directives and the staff is aware of this and hence once they get the economic knowledge, they try all they can to provide the same to the clients without any

Youth Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Youth Violence - Essay Example These crime activities can be avoided with the help of sharply recognising the fact that if they are noticed thoroughly and stopped strictly in the first place, then there are lesser chance of such crimes. Unluckily, not much study is done for the analyst of young violence. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders took in accommodation about 22 researchers who researched for two years to summarise the current risk of these children to decrease the chances of getting involved in criminal activities. It has been realized by the long term studies that the predictors of childhood aggression that help in cutting down the percentage of violence with the kids. It illustrates the power as well as the time limit of the factors regarding protection in the favor of the children when it is to its peak. Avoidance and involvement are the two major factors of the predictors. The violence will not rise to its peak if we keep the protecting action and protecting factors in our mind. The quarrel that has been going on regarding globalization includes the points which are required to regulate the global financial system so that the people will get the advantages and the problems that they have been facing will be resolved. There are a few ones who are pressurising on getting out the blockade to international investment so that the capital will owe more competently and give the patrons a variety of choices to go with ( Abstract: Research of "international youth justice, punishment and control" are in the beginning stages but the cases of "globalisation, trans nationalisation, policy transfer and localisation are steadily being spoken about. This report talks about how transatlantic policy transfer is connected to youth justice. Though the topic of youth justice is not very advanced or developed, but steadily it is catching attention. "From a theoretical point of view it is inspired by assessments of how far individual nation states can hang on to their own sovereignty in the face of economic and political globalisation." Looking at the youngsters of English and comparing them with the ones in European countries, the question is brought up after seeing youngsters behind bars that why are there so many children under eighteen are locked up in prison in UK and Wales, but on the other hand, the European countries have a pleasant life. This report takes in a wide summary of advancements in youth justice mostly in western cultures and gives a shot to untangle how forces of "repenalisation and adulteration confronted by the apparently opposing forces of welfare protectionism, restoration, and rights." There is an extensive supposition that the number of young people who need to be punished is increasing day by day in the whole world. With the help of several steps of "adulteration", it can be supposed that nowadays young people are not getting love and care which they should be getting, they are not getting protection nor do they need any of these things instead they are more in desire of penalty due to which they will suffer from the wrong actions of their own. Due to this, the children's rights are being decreased. One noted factor is the impact of the UN Convention in the year 1989 on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the significance of including proper

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Small Business Enterprise Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Small Business Enterprise - Case Study Example Good reputation and experience in the industry. Dues to already established positive reputation, further expansion of business involves less risks. Moreover, the managers have experience in the industry, while lack of experience is one of the top reasons of small business failure (Holmes, S. Haswell, S. 1989). High quality of products served. The major reason of coffee shop success is the high quality of food served that results in positive reputation and word of mouth spread of information about services and products offered. While, undoubtedly, there is a vast number of factors that have a positive influence on business functioning, the coffee shop has significant drawbacks that should be particularly considered when planning expansion. Poor marketing campaign. The business has to concentrate on development of the marketing mix alongside with research of the target audience needs. The issue is particularly relevant due to the fact that the target audience of the gift shop is mainly tourists; consequently, word of mouth recommendations are not sufficient enough. The variety of products offered at the gift shop should also be considered in relation to the target audience needs, perhaps, the products list offered should be expanded. Poor labor specialization. Bob and Jane are the only two employees of the business. While their day to day duties involve simple serving work, obviously, the personnel are too qualified for this type of work. By hiring helpers that would serve at the coffee and gift shop, the managers could devote more time to marketing and planning of their business, thus, the efficiency of the business would grow. This issue is particularly relevant when considering business expansion. In order to neutralize the negative effects of business weaknesses, the identified strengths should be matched against weaknesses and on the base of the received outcome further planning should be implemented (Bannock, G. 2005). The effect of poor marketing campaign can be neutralized by further development of positive reputation of the business in the industry alongside with conducting marketing research in access of funds available in terms of the geographic location of the business. Poor labor specialization can be matched against high quality of products served alongside with positive reputation of the business in the industry, since expansion of the business will most likely result in diminished contacts with clients (Bitner, L. Powell, J. 1987). Part II: Existing Business Improvement and Expansion Consequently, the business should concentrate on development of the marketing mix applicable in the present situation alongside with marketing planning and labor specialization that should be considered in terms of business expansion. While development of the marketing mix and marketing campaign as well as research of the present market should be outsourced to the third party, e. g. marketing agency, such issues as financial planning and staffing should be directly solved by the management. Marketing and promotion is crucial to any business. Development of

Leader Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leader Analysis Paper - Essay Example A good leader should be able to persuade and motivate the juniors working under him in tough times to ensure that they are always focused and full of vigor. Organizations are run on set goals and objectives, therefore a good leader will be able to draft good objectives and incorporate all the stakeholders involved in the production or achievement of the goals so that they can work as a team. The leader should bridge the gap between him and the employees so that they can feel as part of the overall plan and pledge to offer their best. The leader should possess good listening skills and be ready to address the problems arising in a supportive and diligent manner. Constructive criticism is welcome in any given situation. This is important when one feels that one of the employees or any staff is not delivering his/her mandate in the expected way. It is therefore wrong to victimize an employee instead of using positive corrective measures that are needed in creating a good environment for the staff and the customers. The leader should be assertive so as to portray a positive image of himself to the employees and also to the society they are interacting with. Presenting a positive personal image ensures that the people looking up to you in the organization trust you and believe that you will be able to accord them the leadership they yearn for. It is important to delegate certain tasks to the juniors in the organization as this creates trust and increases responsibility among the workers. On top of these, a good leader should always have a positive attitude and an optimistic way of addressing problems as the approach he gives may be what it entails to make the projects or the goals achievable or not. An organization often goes through tough times which calls for tough measures to ensure that it does not close its business. In such cases, the leader or the manager should be persevering

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Small Business Enterprise Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Small Business Enterprise - Case Study Example Good reputation and experience in the industry. Dues to already established positive reputation, further expansion of business involves less risks. Moreover, the managers have experience in the industry, while lack of experience is one of the top reasons of small business failure (Holmes, S. Haswell, S. 1989). High quality of products served. The major reason of coffee shop success is the high quality of food served that results in positive reputation and word of mouth spread of information about services and products offered. While, undoubtedly, there is a vast number of factors that have a positive influence on business functioning, the coffee shop has significant drawbacks that should be particularly considered when planning expansion. Poor marketing campaign. The business has to concentrate on development of the marketing mix alongside with research of the target audience needs. The issue is particularly relevant due to the fact that the target audience of the gift shop is mainly tourists; consequently, word of mouth recommendations are not sufficient enough. The variety of products offered at the gift shop should also be considered in relation to the target audience needs, perhaps, the products list offered should be expanded. Poor labor specialization. Bob and Jane are the only two employees of the business. While their day to day duties involve simple serving work, obviously, the personnel are too qualified for this type of work. By hiring helpers that would serve at the coffee and gift shop, the managers could devote more time to marketing and planning of their business, thus, the efficiency of the business would grow. This issue is particularly relevant when considering business expansion. In order to neutralize the negative effects of business weaknesses, the identified strengths should be matched against weaknesses and on the base of the received outcome further planning should be implemented (Bannock, G. 2005). The effect of poor marketing campaign can be neutralized by further development of positive reputation of the business in the industry alongside with conducting marketing research in access of funds available in terms of the geographic location of the business. Poor labor specialization can be matched against high quality of products served alongside with positive reputation of the business in the industry, since expansion of the business will most likely result in diminished contacts with clients (Bitner, L. Powell, J. 1987). Part II: Existing Business Improvement and Expansion Consequently, the business should concentrate on development of the marketing mix applicable in the present situation alongside with marketing planning and labor specialization that should be considered in terms of business expansion. While development of the marketing mix and marketing campaign as well as research of the present market should be outsourced to the third party, e. g. marketing agency, such issues as financial planning and staffing should be directly solved by the management. Marketing and promotion is crucial to any business. Development of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chinese philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Chinese philosophy - Essay Example The ultimate motive of Chuang Tzu was, probably, to appreciate the beauty of River Hao. Text 1. Chuang Tzu and Hui Tzu were strolling along the bridge of the Hao River when Chuang Tzu said, â€Å"See how the minnows come out and dart around where they please! That’s what fish really enjoy!† Hui Shi said, â€Å"You are not a fish---how do you know what fish enjoy!† Chuang Tzu said, â€Å"You’re not I, so how do you know that I do not know what the fish enjoy.† Hui Shi said, â€Å"I am not you, so I certainly don’t know what you know. On the other hand, you are certainly not a fish—so that still proves you don’t know what fish enjoys.† Chuang Tzu said, â€Å"Let go back to your original question, please. You ask me how I know what fish enjoys. So you already knew I knew it when you ask the question. I know it by standing upon the River Hao.† In just a few statements, these two characters have sparked off a delightful, thought-provoking, and philosophical discussion, indeed. The fundamentals of the discussion revolve around the individuality and uniqueness of each body in this universe. Philosophy has given way to the notion that nobody knows what the other body is in actuality. In the spectrum of philosophical thought, reality is, in fact, a fallacy and with regards to the philosophical sphere of thinking, it is a matter of fact that Hui Shi may never know what Chuang Tzu is. What may seem to the human eye could be the result of one’s own biased expectations of thought and perceptions. In short, if Hui Shi expects Chuang Tzu to be human, Chuang Tzu will seem human to Hui Shi. However, it is Chuang Tzu who knows if he, himself, is human or not. In the case that Chuang Tzu is human, then Hui Shi has objected correctly against the claim of knowing what fishes enjoy. Chuang Tzu can never perceive what it is like to b e a foreign body. Even so, Chuang Tzu should not even try to perceive because his current, fixed

Theories of the Formation of Romantic Relationships Essay Example for Free

Theories of the Formation of Romantic Relationships Essay Describe and evaluate two or more theories of the formation of romantic relationships (8+16) One theory put forward for the formation of romantic relationships was by Murstein – called the Matching Hypothesis. Murstein argued that we all desire the best looking person; however we accept that this may not happen, so we go for people with a similar attractiveness to ourselves. It makes us far less likely to suffer rejection. So, in theory, Murstein’s argument is fundamentally based on physical attractiveness and does not take into account personality. Murstein says that self esteem can also affect this process. If someone suffers from a low self esteem, they are more likely to go for someone who is not as good looking as them to try and boost their esteem. This also works in reverse, if someone has a high self esteem they will go for someone who they believe is ‘out of their league’ as they feel they have the confidence to make them their partner. Murstein also carried out research to support his theory. He studied 99 couples who were dating and compared them with randomly paired couples. He found that the real couples were consistently rated as more alike in levels of attractiveness. Murstein’s theory can be credited as it offers an explanation of how people with low self esteem find relationships – something that hasn’t been account for in many other theories of the formation of romantic relationships. Murstein also has further research that supported his findings which was carried out by Silverman. He rated dating couples in a bar in similar levels of attractiveness. However we have to account for Silverman’s study that the two people in the bar may have just been friends, just because there was a girl and a boy doesn’t automatically mean that they are in a relationship. Also, Silverman’s study is culturally bias – dates in bars may not happen in all countries and therefore it would be difficult to generalise the findings. Also, both Murstein’s and Silverman’s study’s have researcher bias – the level of someone’s attractiveness is a matter of opinion; what someone could find very attractive may not be attractive for another person at all. It is a subjective measure. Individual differences are also not accounted for e.g. someone may have a fetish. Furthermore, in Murstein’s theory he talks about self esteem, and although it is a valid point he has raised, the term self esteem is very rigid. It doesn’t account for people’s choices and decisions. Finally, in the studies, short and long term relationships have not been established – is it fair for Murstein to categorise people who have been together for a week and people who have been together for a year? The second theory of the formation of romantic relationships is the Filter Model of Attraction. This was devised by Kerchoff and Davis. They stated that people rely on a number of social and personal factors to filter potential relationships. We use three filters to help us narrow down potential partners. The first of the three filters is social/demographic variables e.g. ethnicity, race, religion and social class. The second is similar attitudes or internal values and finally, the last is complementary of needs – will they fulfil each others needs. They argued if a potential partner ticks all three boxes then we are more likely to enter a relationship with them. Research from Bossard supports the theory; he found that half of the couples who applied to get married in Philadelphia lived within a few minutes walk of each other. However, his findings aren’t very strong, it wasn’t the majority of people who he surveyed, it was half. The Filter Model of Attraction is too deterministic, it doesn’t account for the natural free will that everybody possess. Another major weakness is that it fails to account for inter-racial relationships – the first filter is that we are more likely to go into a relationship with someone if they are the same race as us – however it is not uncommon at all in today’s society for people of different races to enter a relationship. In addition, arranged marriages are not accounted for in this theory, as that is down to the parents and the children have no choice in who they spend their lives with, so they do not apply this filter at all. Finally, the filter model of attraction lack empirical evidence – there is no research to support it. On the other hand, we can find some support in the matching hypothesis which also states that people of the same race are more likely to treat them as a potential partner.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Difference between Teacher and Learner Centered Approach

Difference between Teacher and Learner Centered Approach The modern education tends to shift from the teacher-centered to the student-centered learning. In actuality, the development of the modern education stimulates educators and students to change their traditional approach to education and to learning. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that student-centered approach becomes particularly effective in the contemporary environment because students tend to become more and more autonomous in the course of learning. The latter results from the emerging need for students to learn independently of their teachers and, what is even more important, students need to carry on learning even after the end of their education. At the same time, many specialists (Sporre, 2003) argue that modern students have different needs and wants and educators need to use the student-centered approach to organize the learning process effectively. In actuality, educators need to develop their professional skills and abilities and extend their professiona l knowledge far beyond the mere education and training but they should also extend their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to the field of psychology and culture. In fact, educators should focus on the student-centered learning to reach success in their work with students and, what is more important, in such a way, they prepare students to the life-time learning because students grow more confident in their ability to learn, when educators use the student-centered approach to learning. The shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning In actuality, the shift from the teacher-centered learning to the student-centered learning has become obvious. In this respect, it is important to understand causes of the shift toward the student-centered learning in order to define clearly the major directions in the development of the student-centered learning. Basically, the teacher-centered learning was grounded on the position of educators as the highest authority. The main function of a teacher was to teach students, to provide them with information, to help them to learn the learning material and to acquire certain set of knowledge along with basic skills and abilities the education aims at. However, today, such an approach to learning is out-of-date and it does not work effectively anymore. To put it more precisely, the modern technology and science keep progressing at the unparalleled pace. In such a situation, the provision of students with a rigid set of knowledge has little positive effects on the further professional and personal life of students because the rigid set of knowledge becomes out-of-date fast and by the end of the school or college, students need to start learning on and on to keep pace with the rapidly changing technology and science. In such rapidly changing environment, students need to be able to find effective approaches to learning to be able to learn autonomously of educators. In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that each student is unique and educators should shift toward the student-centered learning, where educators perform the role of a guide, who helps students to develop basic skills and abilities and to acquire knowledge students need in their regular life as well as in their future professional career. Specialists (Doll, 2001) stand on the ground that the student-centered learning increases the effectiveness of learning because educators find the individual approach to each student. This means that educators learn the cultural background of students, their psychological peculiarities, individual characteristics, their academic successes and current level of development. In such a way, using the aforementioned information, teachers can apply the student-centered learning to meet needs and wants of each student and to prepare him or her to the effective learning. Environment beneficial for student-centered learning The maximization of the effectiveness of learning is one of the major goals of the learning process. At the same time, to reach a considerable success in learning, especially using the student-centered approach to learning, it is necessary to create environment, which is favorable for the implementation of the student-centered learning. In actuality, this means that educators should focus on students needs and wants not only in a short-run perspective but also in a long-run one. Therefore, educators should understand that students will need to keep learning even after the end of a school, college, or University. In such a situation, educators should prepare students to the idea of the lifetime learning. However, the idea of the lifetime learning implies that students should understand that they will need to learn on their own without the assistance of educators. Consequently, the autonomy of students should become one of the major elements of the student-centered learning. To create such environment, where students feel autonomous, educators can encourage the group work of students, work of students on different projects, encourage their volunteer work, and so on. However, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that educators should always assist students. They should be guides for their students, who can give a piece of valuable advice, who can show the way students should pass on their own. In this regard, specialists (Doll, 2005) argue that the autonomy of students comprises an integral part of the student-centered learning. Students feel free in the learning process. They can choose the subject to learn, the time to learn, and so on. Educators, in their turn, develop the curriculum, guide and control students. The control is particularly important in the student-centered because students should not feel the pressure from the part of educators. Instead, they should feel the support and trust from the part of educators. At the same time, it is possible to recommend introducing self-control among students. For instance, students can work on certain projects and discuss them in their groups, whereas an educator just performs a role of an authority or expert, who express his or her opinion on the subject, but students define whether their work was successful or not. In such a way, students are engaged in the learning process, they become active participants of the learning process, instead of passive subjects to the learning process as is the case of the teacher-centered learning. Active learning At this point, specialists (Hooks, 1994) stress that the studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ involvement in the learning process should be based on active learning, which means that students participate actively in the learning process and they collaborate with educators instead of perceiving the learning material from educators. The active learning implies that students work on their own education and define their learning. For instance, students can choose subjects to learn. This is the manifestation of the active learning. In practice, the active learning is often superficial and does not really provide students with freedom to participate in the learning process on the equal ground with educators. In this respect, it is possible to recommend engaging students in the development of the learning plan. For instance, students can have certain preferences and inclinations to issues which do matter for them. Therefore, educators, while working on the curriculum and planning the learning process, should monitor needs and wants of students. For instance, before or at the beginning of the school year, educators can conduct interviews or questionnaires involving students in the elaboration of the plan of learning. For instance, educators can ask students about their preferences and particular interests in their subject, or else they can students about issues they consider to be the most important in their subject, and so on. Critical thinking The active engagement of students into the learning process stimulates the development of critical thinking students. For instance, when students work in groups or when they discuss the work of each other in the class on projects, they evaluate their own work, they learn how to think critically and analytically. In such a context, students start thinking not as students but rather as educators, not as subjects to the learning process but as active participants of the learning process, who do not just learn and work on assignments but who assess and evaluate critically the work of other students. Obviously, the critical thinking is crucial in this regard and educators can stimulate the development of critical thinking through role plays and creation of situations when students need to evaluate the work of each other. Conclusion Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that the learning process is complicated and today it shifts toward the student-centered learning. The student-centered learning implies that students become active participants of the learning process instead of mere subjects to the learning process as used to be the case of the teacher-centered approach. The student-centered learning can become successful through the engagement of students in the learning process when they participate in the development of the plan of the learning process, when their interests and needs are taken into consideration by educators in the course of the development of lesson plans and curriculum, when students can evaluate and assess the work of each other and when they can work autonomously, whereas educators perform the role of guides.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Paradise Lost Essay -- essays research papers

Peter Schrag presents the ills of California?fs current politics in an angry and persuasive tone. He says California used to be ?gboth model and magnet for the nation—in its economic opportunities, its social outlook, and its high-quality public services and institutes?h; however, California started to fade after the passage of Proposition 13, the initiative of tax limits (7). Schrag?fs work clearly shows what is the problem in today?fs California, and it is easy to understand even for those who have little knowledge of politics. By focusing on issues of ?gneopopulism?h which is easy to find in California?fs diversity, he succeeds in giving his readers the sense of crisis not only about California?fs politics, but also the national wide politics because California is the place ?gwhere the new American society is first coming into full view?h (23). Schrag says, about California politics, that: For nearly a generation, there has been increasing focus among scholars, politicians, and journalists on the growing gaps in California—ethic, social, economic—between those who exercise political power and the larger population, and particularly those who are the most immediate users of its public services. What has gotten little discussion is the dynamic of the plebiscitary process itself. While it?fs ad hoc in nature—each measure is decided by voters on its own apparent merits without much reference to the wider context—it has a larger cumulative effect through which statewide majorities restrict the powers of local political majorities, which are often nonwhite. Almost by definition, it is also a device of impulse that tends to be only marginally respectful of minority rights or interests, and that lends itself to demagogic wedge campaigns designed to boost voter turnout for other political purpose. (21) Schrag divides his project into five sections. The middle sections, ?gThe Spirit of 13,?h and ?gMarch of the Plebiscites,?h in which he carefully discusses each important measure in the last two decades, show why so many issues rose. In the first section, ?gGolden Moment,?h Schrag describes ?gCalifornia?fs heyday of post-World War †¡U optimism?h and how it crumbled. Citations from magazines prove that California was a really paradise even from the nationwide view. Schrag also notices that the demographic change deeply relates to California?fs politics in the last t... ...comes clear in this chapter is that the plebiscitary process is problem in California. Most voters and a large portion of media pay attention not on the government and the social welfare, but on their individual benefits. Much amount of money was spent on each measure, and supporters and opponents vehemently argued by using the mass media. Schrag says that the state government of California became a ?gmedia-based?h government. It is clear that California had anti-immigrants climate by Schrag?fs selection of measures. California politicians attacked programs for low-income Californians precisely at the time when California?fs demographic was changing rapidly. Politicians have been urging white voters to cut back on beneficial public services to original Californians. Finally, Schrag concludes his work with some suggestions for ?gthe possibilities for a new political integration and a revitalized social ethic in California?h while he describes ?gthe contrary forces pushing even fur ther toward a market-based governmental ethic?h (20). His work gives us a good opportunity for rethinking recent California and how voters, not only California?fs voters but also the others, should be.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Creating Tension and Drama in the Courtroom in The Crucible Essay

Creating Tension and Drama in the Courtroom in The Crucible The crucible is about a mass hysteria which led to the 1692 Salem witchcraft trials. A group of young girls are caught dancing in the woods and are suspected to of been calling out to the devil. Strange things begin to happen around the local village which are then suspected to be the work of the devil. Everyone in the village is to appear in court and faced with a death sentence. This fantastic and extremely tense play is written by Arthur Miller. Throughout Act Three Danforth; the deputy governor, who is in his sixties and plays an important part, is introduced. He is very sophisticated and respectful. Danforth plays the part of a very loyal man in which he makes antagonising decisions. However he is a very strong character and has his own opinions without being easily persuaded. Danforth has high expectations of both himself and his people. ’ I judge nothing of no one’ This tells the audience what Danforth’s character is like; a strong and noble man, and he will be looked upon as loyal man who has pride in which he can make his mind up for himself without listening to what others have to say. During Act Three Mary Warren plays a main part of a quiet girl who is made to confess by John Proctor that they girls are faking it and being over powered by the devil. Mary Warren who works for the Proctors has a good reputation. She has never done wrong, and is a hard working quiet girl. Mary is forced into court by Proctor to confess the truth. She speaks short words which shows fear. ‘ it were pretence sir’ ‘ aye, sir.’ Mary’s weakness causes tension as she is a weak character being forced to speak out by Proctor. Proctor mainly speaks... ...tly leaving the reader in suspense. My favourite scene was when Elizabeth was called into the court to justify Proctors accusation of lechery against Abigail. It gave the reader an unsure feeling of what the turn out would be like and what was going to happen next, this created more tension in this particular scene. I thought the ending was good and Act 3 was a fantastic build up for this dramatic ending. I think Miller’s intention of scene 3 being so dramatic was to build of for the ending which was not what I would have expected to of been like. This is good because it makes the reader want to read on. Miller was definatly successful in writing this play, he gave me the message, of what it was like back then, very strict and strong about there beliefs and witch craft. I think people would have definatly learnt from this story which is very strong.

Marketing and the Apple Watch Essay

Marketing occurs within an organisation when consumers needs, wants and demands are met with the exchange of a product (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991). The concept is organisation wide, and particularly important when new products are introduced within a market. Customer value is an important aspect of marketing, as it aids in exploring what the consumers perceived needs and wants are. Customer value can be defined as the benefits gained, and sacrifices made in order to purchase a product. The main sources of value created by the organisation are functional/instrumental value, experiential/hedonic value, symbolic/expressive value and cost/sacrifice value. In this paper we will be looking towards the fore coming Apple Watch as an example. Marketing is an extremely broad concept. Therefore when attempting to define the term, the diverse meanings it has for many different people and groups must be acknowledged. (Kotler, Shaw, FitzRoy, Chandler, 1983). The term at its core relates to much more than just the selling and advertising of products. The desired aim is for products or services to be revealed in a stimulating manner for both indirect and direct customers of the organisation. The common misconception of the term â€Å"marketing† is that its core element is to simply sell a product or service. However, marketing as a business philosophy is adopted throughout the whole organisation, and through all levels of management (Keelson, 2012). It is an approach where the customers’ wants and needs must be the primary concern throughout all business decisions. Kotler et al (1983) explores the term further by arguing that marketing is the process of using activities and institutions that enable communication, deliverance and the exchange of offerings that provide value for a wide array of customers, as well as society at large. Marketing has some fundamental notions attached to it – the first and foremost being human needs, relating to people feeling deprived by not possessing goods or services (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991). Human needs are intricate and come in abundance, and from these perceived needs human wants are established. Human wants are largely dependent on the needs of humans, as they are molded by individual cultures and development (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991). Once an  individual desires a product and has the capacity to purchase it, these wants are converted to demands. Most importantly within the process is the exchange, observed as the underlying principle of marketing (Woodall, 2004). Relating to procurement, acquiring the favourable product from a person whilst offering something in return. A product is essentially anything offered to the market in order to satisfy their perceived needs and wants (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991). In this case the Apple Watch will be discussed. The product or service will be directed at a specific market, which comprises all potential and actual buyers (Kotler et al, 1983). The Apple Watch is being targeted at the general public, but more specifically a hyper focus towards previously established Apple users and fans with a propensity for superior goods. These notions are important components of marketing as they provide information for the organisation to determine what goods and services to offer. Marketing is hugely important to any organisation, regardless of size or type of product and service on offer. The aim of undergoing marketing is to deliver a standard of living to people, providing them with products for when and where they need them (Kotler et al, 1983). The concept of marketing is more often than not propelled by revenue; businesses want to add to their profits by satisfying customer needs. Without properly executed marketing functions in place, where the customers needs, wants, and demands are not aligned within the transaction, then the organisation has little chance of achieving a competitive advantage, as well as gaining value for themselves. (Keelson, 2012). Using the example of the Apple watch, which has been in production for some time, Apple have been assembling their ideas, whilst observing the results of other rival companies releasing similar versions of the product. Apple have been carefully honing in on the customers needs and wants, and are finally r eady to release the end product to expectedly enthusiastic consumers. Customer value essentially is the perceived benefits concluded by the customer, derived from obtaining the product held up against the sacrifices  being made to acquire the product (Weinstein, 2012). Organisations creating value, furthermore customer value is progressively being seen as a fresh and up to date source of competitive advantage (Woodruff, 1997). Because of this, the creation of customer value is an incredibly significant central concept within marketing (Patterson & Spreng, 1997). However there is not one single agreed upon definition that may be used for customer value, as well as no distinct definitive theory or framework used to emphasize customer value (Weinstein, 2012). Adopting the way in which organisations are able to create value, Smith and Colgate (2007), have developed an innovative framework where four types of value created merely by the organisation are acknowledged – these being functional/instrumental value, experiential/hedonic value, symbolic/expressive value and cost/sacrifice value. Functional and instrumental value refers to the buyer purchasing the product and having it complete the function it is designed to do (Smith & Colgate, 2007). More so concerned with the product’s attributes, performance and outcomes. In order for the Apple watch to attain this value, the smart watch has to possess all features including accurate time, Wi-Fi, and user-to-user connectivity in a way that is easy to operate and understand, as well as reliable for the consumer. This assessment of value may vary between individuals. The experiential / hedonic value is more removed from the product itself, and more related to the sensations we receive from the product. More specifically linked to the feelings and emotions we receive, as well as suitable experiences for the customer (Weinstein, 2012). Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple has titled the Apple watch as the most personal and intimate product yet (Apple, 2015), with the watch alerting you of notifications through a small vibration to your skin. Continuing with sensory value within the watch, Apple have worked with high fashion designers and stylists to ensure the product looks great, as well as releasing a wide array of styles suitable for anyone. Furthermore, the smart watch being one of Apple’s most aesthetically pleasing products to date, it is believed that consumers will purchase due to pleasure of possessing it (CNET, 2015). This sense of joy and experience holds emotional value for the buyer. Symbolic and expressive value is duly concentrated on the degree in which the customer will bestow or associate psychological meaning to a specific product. Moreover in terms of self-identity, and whether the product enables the buyer to express their personalities, as well as attaching social meaning (Smith & Colgate, 2007). There are a large variety of Apple watches that may be purchased with differing prices and styles. This gives the buyer plenty of choice, and an ability to express themselves in terms of design in colours, shape of watch, and wristbands. Addressing self-worth and self-identity, aforementioned the watch comes in many styles with different price tags, the 18 carrot gold apple watch could appeal to a person wanting to symbolize prestige, and status, and therefore make the buyer feel good about themselves. However personal meaning is incredibly specific to individuals, and for marketers this can be very difficult to achieve. The cost and sacrifice value related to the things we give up in order to obtain the product, involving time, money, personal investments and the risks involved (Slater & Narver, 1994). Apple has provided a wide array of prices ranging from AU $499 to $24,000 (CNET, 2015), meaning that people are able to choose the dollar amount they pay. As this is Apple’s first attempt at marketing a product designed to be worn, the actual purchase experience will vastly differ. Apple employees have been trained to be much more customer focused, asking questions and making the buyer feel comfortable (Apple, 2015). However the product has a high level of personal investment, and risks attached to the actual purchase of product. As the watch remains a part of the modern digital electronic world, there is always the chance that technology will revolutionize quickly and the product will be outdated. Moreover along with purchasing the watch, the buyer must have one of the latest versions of the IPhone in order for the device to be compatible, this limits the market of people buying the product. Whilst the Apple watch may carry a lot of symbolic, and expressive value, there are still a lot of risks and costs attached to the product. The relationship that exists between marketing, and customer value is apparent. Organisations are aware that suitable marketing needs to involve more than just promotional hype. It needs to be intertwined with providing  real value to customers. Prior to the actual release of the Apple watch, the brand has been able to find a balance between employing large-scale ads on television as well as high class magazines to gain attention and to conjure interest from the public, whilst still educating consumers on the uncapped features and functions that the watch possesses. Woodruff (1997) alludes to customer value having long acted as a vital principle within modern day marketing as a means to not only gain customer satisfaction, but brand loyalty as well. Organisations employ different philosophies of marketing as a way to discover what the customers’ needs and wants are, to gain a more complex understanding of what customers’ value (Slater & Narver, 1994). By having an organisation comprehend their specific target markets, the delivery of customers anticipated satisfactions can be completed in a more efficient and effective manner. In conclusion marketing and customer value are intertwined with each other in terms of achieving organisation success. The consumer’s needs and wants are delivered through an exchange of product that provides real value to the customer. The consumer will then weigh up the product in terms of costs and benefits. The apple watch has perceived customer value, with the product providing symbolic / expressive value, as well as functional / instrumental value to consumers. However as with any product there are still risks associated with purchasing the product, as well as sacrifices having to be made. References Apple,. (2015). Apple – Apple Watch. Retrieved 1 April 2015, from CNET,. (2015). Apple Watch Release Date, News, Price and Specs – CNET. CNET. Retrieved 22 March 2015, from Keelson, S. (2012). The evolution of the marketing concepts: Theoretically different roads leading to practically same destination!. Global Conference On Business And Finance Proceedings, 7(1). Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (1991). Principles of marketing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P., Shaw, R., FitzRoy, P. & Chandler, P. (1983). Marketing in Australia. Sydney: Prentice-Hall. Chapter 1, 3-27. Payne, A., & Holt, S. (2001). Diagnosing Customer Value: Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing. British Journal Of Management, 12(2), 159-182. Slater, S. F., & Narver, J. C (1994). Market orientation, customer value, and superior performance. Business Horizons, 37(2), 22-28. Smith, J.B. & Colgate, M. (2007). Customer value creation: A practical framework, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15(1), 7-23. Weinstein, A. (2012). Superior customer value. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Woodall, T. (2004). Why Marketers Don’t Market: Rethinking Offensive and Defensive Archetypes. Journal Of Marketing Management, 20(5-6), 559-576. Woodruff, R. (1997). Customer value: The next source for competitive advantage. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 25(2), 139-153. Kotler, Philip, and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. Perreault, William D., Jr., and E. Jerome McCarthy. Basic Marketing: A Global-Managerial Approach. 13th ed. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cat in the Rain Ernest Miller Hemingway Essay

Hemingway was an American author and journalist. His distinctive writing style, characterized by economy and understatement, influenced 20th-century fiction, as did his life of adventure and public image. He produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Hemingway’s fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that resonated with his audience. Many of his works are classics of American literature. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works during his lifetime; a further three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously. â€Å"Cat in the rain† is a piece of fiction referring to the literature of interpretation. This story is also a psychological one because the author investigates human characters and their relationships. The story is told in the 3rd person narrative. The title of the story admits the fact that the cat’s image makes great play in the story. We can say that it is symbolic title. The characters presented Directly. The text of the story is not homogeneous: it is interrupted with the elements of description and the characters’ dialogues. The plot of the story is meant to begin before the narration itself starts. There isn’t any preface to the story, the reader knows nothing about the couple’s past. Author shows his characters in a certain period of their lives. â€Å"Cat in the rain† is about an American couple on vacation in Italy. While at their hotel the woman saw a cat and the story progresses from there. During the story it is made obvious that the couple’s relationship wasn’t good. Author uses the cat stuck in the rain with nobody to care for it to symbolize the wife wasn’t loved by her husbund. So, the story begins with the description of the hotel where two Americans stopped: â€Å"Palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea†. We can say that this place is very beautiful. But only one thing breaks the idyll – the rain, that’s why the couple stays in and just a cat in the rain attracted the young woman’s attention. She wanted to get the cat inside. At first sight everything seems to be ideal: a cozy room on the second floor, lovely view from the window. And only the description of the rain evokes the mood of sadness in the reader. To bring home this air of melancholy which is felt when it is raining, the author uses such stylistic device as parallel constructions: â€Å"The rain dripped from the palm trees. The water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the rain â€Å". We can notice that nouns rain, pools, sea belong to one sphere – the water. This stylistic device is employed by the author to create the atmosphere of inevitability. People can not hide from the rain. Water is everywhere: it is on the ground, it is pouring from the heavens as though the nature weeps for something. Here author uses alliteration of sounds [r], [l]: â€Å"Rain dripped from the palm trees, the sea broke in a long line in the rain†, it brings the rhythm to the description of the weather. Complication starts when the American young lady saw a cat in the rain. The cat sat under the table and tried to make herself so compact that she wouldn’t be dripped on†. Suddenly the girl felt strong desire to get this cat. It must have been a miserable spectacle: wet, homeless cat crouching under the table in the empty square. The girl decided to go down and get this cat. Here we get acquainted with her husband. He is lying on the bed and reading and he has no desire to go out in such weather for the cat his wife wants so much. Although he proposed it but sooner out of politeness and he did not insist. â€Å"Don’t get wet†- he said, but it wasn’t a care – he said it just to say something. Later we can see that the hotel-keeper gives to her more attention than her own husband. That’s why she liked the owner of the hotel so much. Emphasizing the girl’s attitude to the hotel-keeper the author resorts to repetition: â€Å"She liked the deadly serious way he received any complains. She liked his dignity. She liked the way he wanted to serve her. She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked his old, heavy face and big hands â€Å". Unconsciously comparing him with her indifferent husband she liked him because he displayed a kind of attention to her. He always bowed seeing her. His attention can be explained by the fact that he was the owner of the hotel and it was his due to take care of his clients, especially if they were foreigners. He just wanted them to feel comfortable and convenient. He displayed paternal care and attention to her. May be the girl was disposed to the hotel-keeper because he reminded her of her own father who was always kind to her. Anyway, it was so pleasant for the girl to feel sympathy and care. The author says: † The pardons made her feel very small and at the same time really important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance†. That is the reason she liked him. He made her feel important. He listened to her every word and request, and she knew that her every little whim will be fulfilled, and that can not be said about her husband who never worried about her feelings. The climax starts when the young lady went upstairs in her room. The only reaction of her husband was the question if she got the cat. He did not notice her disappointment. Suddenly the girl felt unhappy. Through her sad monologue the writer shows all her dissatisfaction with the life, beginning with the absence of the cat and ending with her short clipped hair. I get so tired of itâ€Å"- she says about her hair, but it is not just looking like a boy that she is tired of. She is tired of a boring life, of her indifferent and selfish husband who remains deaf to her despair. She does not say directly that she is not satisfied with her family life. But the reader can see it in the context. She says: â€Å"I want to pull my hair back tight and smooth and make a big knot at the back that I feel. I want to have a kitty to sit on my lap and purr when I stroke her†. She wants to have long hair to look solid and respectable. She wants to have children and her own house which she associates with silver and candles. And the cat in her dreams is a symbol of refuge, something that she corresponds with such notions as home and cosiness. The author underlines the idea of dissatisfaction using repetition. In importunate repetition of the construction â€Å"I want† the reader can see the girl’s emotional state. This stylistic device discloses her excitement. The emotional tension increases. â€Å"And I want to eat at a table with my own silver, and I want candles. And I want it to be spring and I want to brush up my hair out in front of the mirror and I want the kitty and I want some new clothes â€Å". Here is an example of polysyndeton. The abundant use of the conjunction and makes the members of enumeration more conspicuous and also serves to emphasize the girl’s state of confusion. The syntax also contributes to the effect of extreme agitation of the girl. The writer deliberately avoids the use of commas in the girl’s speech to show uninterrupted, without any pauses flow of speech which testifies to her emotional excitement. This abstract may be regarded as the climax of the story. Here the emotional tension reaches its highest degree. The girl throws out all her discontent, all her negative emotions which she accumulated during her joint life with her husband. Then the peak of the climax comes: â€Å"Oh, shut up and get something to read† says her husband. Estrangement grows between two people. The girl feels insulted and stays looking out of the window. It is still raining. The rain is present during the whole narration. The moment when hotel-keeper passed her a cat is outcome. Probably pardrone didn’t understand the melancholy of the girl. However human advantage, a kindness are opposed egoism of her husband. In this story, cat is the symbol of woman. Woman feels lonely, dependent, and unhappy. She is just like a cat in the rain wet, alone. She is neglected like a poor kitty. She needs to be loved (by her husband) and need interest, security, and comfort. Her husband doesn’t attach importance her ideas, feelings. He doesn’t behave her like his wife, so the woman doesn’t like her life, her clothes, and her hair. She wants to have a kitty because she wants give her love to this poor kitty. In ‘Cat in the rain† we can see a hidden idea between the lines, author doesn’t say it directly. Hemingway’s talent lies in deep psychological insight into human nature.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tourism and employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism and employment - Essay Example The competition involved shows growth in the tourism sector. There is a need to meet the requirements of the ever growing tourism sector through innovations and upgrade of tourism products. There is also an increase in the number of hotels. This calls for more employment to cater for manpower, so many people are employed as caterers. Tourism has provided 10% of global employment as stated by the International Labour Organisation. Tourism as a service industry will require high workforce (GheorghilaÅŸ and DincÄÆ' 90). Gender: Tourism has created many opportunities for women usually in the hotel and accommodation sector. In this sector, 60% are women employees (GheorghilaÅŸ and DincÄÆ' 92). Many women are employed on a full time basis while a few are part timers in many countries. Age: Generally, the tourism accommodation sector offers jobs to young people. 40% of all tourism employees are young people mainly below the age of 35 years. This is due to their productivity in this sector. Many countries prefer young people, as opposed to old people, for their energetic nature, high rate of social networking and an advertisement strategy to win many customers. Qualifications: The level of education will determine the number of opportunities an individual can get in the tourism sector. Tourism accommodation has a high number of employees with a lower level of education while employees in management, human resource, and accounting in tourism normally hold university degrees. Therefore, tourism can accommodate a high number of employees who are not highly learned but have basic skills. Job status: Tourism offers both temporal and permanent jobs. Full time jobs depend on the duration of work. Usually tourism offers part time jobs and temporary jobs depending on the tourist turnover. Temporal jobs include tour guides and accommodation staff. Time of the year: Seasonal outcome factors the number of employees to be employed, so a high tourist turnover will result in a

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Inheritors by William Golding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Inheritors by William Golding - Essay Example The story line of the book mainly portrays the relationship between ancient or pre-historic men and the Homo sapiens. William Golding has made ‘The Inheritors’ even more conspicuous by creating one of the pre-historic men as the protagonist. Readers acquire a proximity to the various aspects of nature by reading the entire story from the view of the primitive man, who is still unknown to the evil form of the world. The Inheritors has brought into light, the imagination of the author, where he brought together primitive humans and modern Homo sapiens. Throughout the story, William Golding has asked his readers an intricate, but relevant question, i.e. â€Å"Is mankind evil?† The entire story has been based on a particular type of pre-historic men, known as the Neanderthals, who lived in a group. One of the adult Neanderthals, named Lok guides us throughout the story according to his knowledge of the world. The story narrates a peaceful and contented life of the Nea nderthals, until some modern men interfere into it and creates the sense of fear in them. The last chapter has been described from the human point of view, wherein they run away from the habitation of these men, taking away a baby Neanderthal with them. The creation of this unique book by William Golding has enlightened the readers with the fact that â€Å"evil† did not exist in human beings when they belonged to the prehistoric times. But, the introduction of modern men in their serene environment changed their views about life extensively. Inherited Violence William Golding has repeatedly concluded in the book that the Neanderthals did not know the meaning of evil and violence, but they were prone to eating dead meat of animals, which is clearly an act of violence as they were feeding on another natural creature. All types of human beings have evolved from animals that are quite callous about violence, so it has always been in the blood of the Neanderthal Homo sapiens as we ll. It has also been alleged that the Neanderthals did not kill animals to feed on them, but history says that man has killed animals to feed on them. These ideas of a non-violent mentality have been produced by the author to formulate a gap between the nearly modern men and the pre-historic ones so that modern men can be blamed at every phase of the book. Existence of Knowledge The discovery of producing fire by rubbing stones was also brought about by primitive Homo sapiens. But, the author posed the Neanderthals to be completely unaware about the world and any kind of discoveries. This is an indirect insult as no other human beings were available to teach the primitive men about any discoveries; their individual knowledge was all the help that they got. The author has put the nearly modern Homo sapiens in the shadows, concluding them as the villains and keeping the Neanderthals in the light of innocence. Man has gained knowledge with time, and the Neanderthals have done so as wel l. Instead, the violence in them has marked the chapters of world history throughout. The partiality of the author towards the primitive men is clearly visible as he has made â€Å"Lok† the protagonist, and devoted only one chapter to the modern Homo sapiens. The view of the modern men has not been given importance at all. Ignoring Science The text created by Golding on the pages of The Inheritors is good for imagination, but it does not have true scientific explanation. A portion of the book quotes â€Å"Lok’s ears spoke to him†, but just before that it has already been mentioned that Lok had actually been sleeping. The personification of Lok’s ears is impressive through literature, but science concludes that sense organs do not possess the ability to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper Research - 1

Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition - Research Paper Example Japan is the home of most of the world’s best motor producing companies like Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki, and Mitsubishi among others. General Motors Corporations is the world’s largest automaker whose headquarters are in the United States, but has branches in about one hundred and fifty seven countries across the globe. The ownership of the general motors is majorly by the United States government, which owns about sixty-one percent of the total shares. Others entities that have ownership of the general motors are the united Autoworkers, the Canadian government, and bond holders from the old company. General motors once experienced financial crisis in the late 2000s such that it threatened closure of most of its branches in North America (Kennedy, 2005). The American government however came in and funded the corporation. On the other hand, Naza is a Malaysian based industry whose main objective during formation was marketing and distribution of motor vehicles. It was not un til 2003 when the firm started production of bikes then motor vehicles in the year 2005. The company founded by a mogul Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin of Malaysia in 1975 was intended to import reconditioned cars. The company established itself and became an importer of luxury vehicles. The business expanded and in the late nineties, it franchised with South Korean carmaker thus expanded its portfolio of distribution. General motors is credited as the world’s number one automaker, and absorbs as many as hundreds of thousands of people across the world. Naza has absorbed hundreds of people, but the expectations are that it will recruit more members in the near future. The indulgence of the company into the manufacturing sector and mergence with other firms has seen its growth to a recognizable status. General motors has been generating a profit of about 4.7 million US dollars excluding the pensions cost and other expenses. In ranking as per income generation, the general motors took th e second position in the United States after Toyota (Cooney & Yacobucci, 2007). General motors have expanded globally and has gained worldwide recognition. It has main branches in North America, Asia, and Africa. For instance in Africa, General motors ventured back in 1920s but it grew and started assembling vehicles in1950. On arrival in Africa, the first situation of general motors was Egypt, which up to date is the only producer if traditional general motors branded vehicles (Kennedy, 2005). Apart from this, the industry has other branches in Tunisia, which assembles mainly Mazda and Isuzu models. In Kenya GM is situated in Nairobi and it assembles a wide variety of trucks and buses. General motors have its stations in other East African countries like Uganda, Tanzania, and central Africa. Naza on the other hand has its demand locally based though it has entered into contract with worlds distributors that make Naza the hub of their products specifically in Malaysia. In 2010, Gene ral Motors Corporation assigned Naza as the sole distributor of Chevrolet model in Malaysia. Naza also entered into contract with Piaggio group to distribute its main brands in Malaysia. According to Cooney & Yacobucci (2007), the products of general motors have repeatedly participated in the worlds racing championship winning many races. The recent invention from general motors, Cadillac V-series has also ventured in the racing championship. General motors did many research programmes for the market demands. This led to its mergence with various companies to